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Am I the only person who thinks SIlent Hill 3 is overrated?

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    Am I the only person who thinks SIlent Hill 3 is overrated?

    I got this game the other day, after reading the reviews and stuff, and have to say I am very disappointed.

    The in-game graphics to me are pixellated (maybe the wrong term),and rough looking, and the monsters are just plain ridiculous. The controls are awkward and the game does not draw you in as I fell it should right from the get go.

    To highlight what I mean, I also bought Project Zero, and from the moment I started playing I was hooked, and ended up playing for a good few hours completly petrified. In contrast with SH3, after running around stabbing a dog for a few minutes my interest waned immensley.

    I went back to SH3 for a few hours last night, but it still felt really bad. I felt no compulsion to go any further with, and I really couldn't see why everyone keeps banging on about the graphics and the psychlogical horror aspect. IMO Project Zero and RE Make on the Cube far superior in creating an aura of uneasiness.

    What do you guys think of this game?

    I quite liked it. A little on the short-side, but I found certain set-pieces unnerving. For instance:

    Originally posted by spoiler
    the part where your in a blood-stained bathroom, it appears to be empty, you grab the items and just as your headed out the door, you hear the toilet door creak open.


    The part where your in the Hospital and the walls start "bleeding". That was probably one of my favourite moments from the game.


      I found Silent Hill 3 very entertaining. As a fan of the original PS1 game, it was also a great return to form for Konami after the dull 2nd game in the series. Silent Hill seems to divide the audience quite a lot though, and while some people get a lot from the suspensful atmosphere, others just seem to see right through it and wonder what all the fuss is about. It's all just down to personal tastes of course.

      I agree with Bleeders. That particular room was brilliantly executed, and contained some nice new procedural shader effects that I hadn't seen on the PS2 before. Always good to see hardware doing new tricks.


        I feel bad cos you are really missing out on somthing i feel defines the genre. Its one of my favorite games. Perhaps you expected too much from this game. Kinda our fault, because we ranted and raved about the beeswax for so long that when it came to you experiencing the magic, it were a little dissapointed. Of course you could always turn the lights off and the sound up. increase/decrease the difficulty level. Its one that demands a lot of time and effort. I dont think many pople will agree withyou that the game is overated, in fact it was underated in my opinion. After all the reception its recieved from the general public is somewhat lackluster. Im not sure what i can say to convince you otherwise. So like the BBC saturday program of yester year use to say "miss it, miss out"



          I believe they all are. But then again survival horror aint my bag.


            Originally posted by jayboy
            The in-game graphics to me are pixellated (maybe the wrong term),and rough looking.
            Are you referring to they way it looks like a slightly off-tuned telly?
            They added some 'noise' into the image deliberately to make the display less clear and therefore (hopefully) make the game scarier.
            Of course, this may not please everyone, but if you see the game without the filter on it genuinely does detract from the atmosphere.
            Otherwise I think the games graphics are stunning. The character models are amazing (almost FMV quality - all the cut-scenes were done in real-time), all the textures are sharp and the light and shadow effects are superb.

            As for the monsters not looking scary... well I guess thats down to personal taste, though I guess the 'mallrats' (I think thats what they are called) do look a bit silly.

