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Panasonic "Jungle" Handheld Console

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    Panasonic "Jungle" Handheld Console

    There's been a few leaks throughout the day stating that a large consumer electronic company would be announcing a new gaming platform on MTV and Panasonic have now announced a few details.

    Originally posted by Engadget
    Apparently Panasonic has been working itself into a frenzy over a new handheld video game console designed solely around the concept of taking MMORPGs with you everywhere you go -- like you weren't already wasting too much of your life. The makers of the ill-fated 3DO are returning to the gaming world with a portable system dubbed "The Jungle." The clamshell device will allegedly sport a super high-resolution display, features a full QWERTY keyboard along with what looks like a touch sensitive d-pad and button arrangement, and may run atop a custom Linux build. The Jungle will also apparently sport a mini HDMI port, a micro USB port, and a 3.5mm headphone jack. To our eyes, the system looks a little on the clunky side, with a definite air of something out of Nokia's N-Gage line -- not a good thing for a 2010 device. Alongside the system itself, Panasonic will launch a Battlestar Galactica title for the device, and a web show called Online Underground.

    We're digging up more details right now, but the company (actually an offshoot of Panasonic called Panasonic Cloud Entertainment) has already set up shop with a site and a few teaser videos. Check out the mysterious new handheld in another pic and some videos after the break (including a look at the Battlestar Galactica title), and stay tuned as we unearth the full story on the Jungle.
    There should be some more details after the full announcement.

    Well, that is the LAST thing I expected to see from Panasonic. Interesting...


      Wow, really? Do they seriously think anyone will care? If they're making a portable mmo player then surely they would at least announce it alongside portable versions of world of warcraft/final fantasy/whatever other mmos are popular now days.


        It looks like a teeny version of their Toughbook laptops - ugly.

        I wonder if they'll go down the iPad route of 3G & Wi-fi for gaming back surely 3G isn't good enough to support MMO gameplay?


          It will be interesting to see how long it will remain afloat. At first I thought it was some sort of phone/console hybrid and that had N-Gage all over it.
          A portable device for MMOs? Sounds good but not only the handheld will have to cut its share market among consoles and phones but also the MMO they'll be launching with it will need to get a decent market share; both hard tasks.


            It's amazing how you can see a brand new system and instantly sense the failure. If they managed to have WOW and the such on it I could see it being relatively popular in some markets but beyond that it's going to get drowned out by the 3DS. The timing of these things never fails to impress.


              A half decent WoW experience anywhere on the move would have guaranteed success, but as you say I can't see anything but utter failure for this. Who on earth would green light such a stupid idea?


                Waiting until it's hacked, looks a bit like the pandora controls/keyboard wise.


                  Can only see this going the same way as the gizmondo etc........

                  Panasonic are a massive company (or Matsu****a) so it's not as if they don't have financial clout, but it just has fail of epic proportions written all over it i'd say.


                    I can't believe nobody has taken my bait!


                      wth I was thinking Panasonic beforehand too when there was a thread on neogaf.


                        It is interesting that they've chosen to target such a well-defined, narrow audience with this device, when other manufacturers are trying to broaden their audience as much as possible. This is compounded by the fact that the software will make-or-break a device like this. But that's not to say the audience doesn't exist, and the success of games like Monster Hunter on the PSP might suggest that a potential audience is there.

                        I am wary of 'clunky' handhelds that don't fit in the average pocket however, since it ultimately requires me to carry an additional bag of sorts whenever I leave the house - the DSi/Lite and PSP are just about pushing it in this regard, the pictures look concerning. I am aware that this is a personal concern however.

                        That said, get Sega to make Phantasy Star Online 2 for the device, connecting to the PC version servers, and they have a sale!


                          That looks properly horrendous. Like, uglier than the DS Phat. Uglier than the Atari Lynx.

                          Play MMOs anywhere! As long as you're at home next to your WiFi connection.


                            For connectivity, they could always partner with the BT OpenZone thing in this country at least. And I gather public WiFi is easier to come by in some other countries.

                            Still going to fail hard though.


                              Need the specs and price before deciding if it's a massive fail or not.

                              If stuff like the Pandora, GP32, GP2X can make money, there's no reason why this couldn't

