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Gaming irks

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    Just sat myself down to get cracking at last on MGS5: Phantom Pain and immediately was sat through about 20 pages of notes right at the front-end of the game, detailing patches released, server issues and woes, server maintenance schedules, log-in schedules to bag XP and other online tat, 'known issues', 'quick fixes' and patches pledged/incoming, before knocking the bloody thing off and making a cuppa. Nothing more exciting when plunging into a new game than a long list detailing exactly what's knackered about it. Will try again in a few weeks. Modern gaming ... / humbug


      The alternative though is what every other developer does and acknowledge a bug on a forum, then release a patch that doesn't tell you what the patch is for lol


        How is future retro gaming going to work? In 20 years time, I FINALLY decide to play MGSV as it was meant to be played. I track down a PS4 and a copy of the game. Will it work? Is anything missing? Mario Kart 8 will work but will tales of the DLC just be for those of us who still happen to have our dusty old Wii-Us working at that point?


          I think it's going to be a real pain Dogg, and I'm not sure it's going to work at all beyond people sharing the cracked update files online with each other via emulator forums etc.

          I mean take a game like Driveclub. I picked this up to play over a weekend a few months ago (it wasn't my cup of tea but that's by the by). I started playing without installing updates, as it needed about 9GB of them. The next time I played it, the updates had installed. I found I had a completely different game, with loads more content and a completely restructured career mode, different menus, the whole shebang.

          The version that exists on the physical disc is essentially worthless and won't be a representative version of the game for future retro players.


            I imagine it'll be like the Nintendo Satellaview which enthusiasts are trying to resurrect via emulation with varying degrees of success.


              In 20 years you'll be able to play any retro game you want on your phone (or holographic eye implant)..pretty much as you can now with old games on your phone (or non holographic PC)...dlc and all. Somebody somewhere will have it saved. We are pretty much in a completely digital age now already. You'll probably be able to 3D print a console to play it on too for that "authentic" experience.

              You'll also have the same dreary people saying "but you won't be able to play 'obscure game X' that only 3 people in history ever cared about. But they are usually the same people who say everything nowadays is rubbish, so maybe that part won't happen?


                Playing on our phone? I'm not sure if your post is meant to be a positive or negative.


                  Originally posted by BaronSqwelch View Post
                  You'll also have the same dreary people saying "but you won't be able to play 'obscure game X' that only 3 people in history ever cared about. But they are usually the same people who say everything nowadays is rubbish, so maybe that part won't happen?
                  I know those people exists but there's been a fair few quality games that have been lost over the years. Goldeneye for example, Quake II, 1080 snowboarding. So ****ed up those games are being left to rot while rehashes of games nobody cared for get 'remasters'.


                    Really like driveclub gameplay wise. But Jesus h Christ do you have to jump through hoops to get there. First figure it which version you want, then start playing, then realise you need the season pass for almost everything, buy season pass, then realise you have to download everything indavidually since its been out, which is a lot of items, packs and cars.

                    Just sigh.

                    Welcome to the future of entertainment people, it's not really games were paying for, it's the exciting race of the download bar, which item will win the race? Nobody knows thanks to sonys shoddy servers.


                      Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                      Playing on our phone? I'm not sure if your post is meant to be a positive or negative.
                      Not about the merits of playing on a phone...more a comment about the ease with which it can be done.
                      I do scratch my head at watching my mate use a dual shock to play games on his phone when the playstation is 6 feet away though


                        I was just playing Powerslave on the Saturn and had just gotten to the Cavern of Peril after beating a tricky level and a boss. It began loading the Cavern of Peril stage, bugged out halfway through, and I turned the system off.

                        Now my internal memory appears to be wiped it hasn't just deleted its own save (annoying enough on its own), it seems to have corrupted the internal memory entirely, losing me a bunch of saves that I hadn't backed up to the cartridge memory.

                        Gutted :/ not sure if I've the heart to get back to where I was in Powerslave. Certainly a lesson for the future that all Saturn saves must be backed up to the cartridge memory.


                          Ouch. Sorry to hear that. That is nasty. Did you have a lot of other important saves wiped?


                            Fortunately not, as I've only had the machine a couple of weeks. Just some Sega Rally times and other bits and bobs, everything else was on the cart.

                            The most annoying thing is losing the Powerslave save, I was really into it!


                              Yeah. If I remember correctly you were quite a bit in too at the Caverns of Peril.


                                I have had my memory corrupted and lost my saves on the Saturn in the past whilst playing a game so i know how you feel. One thing i always wanted to know is why were you not able to remove and insert a memory cartridge On the Sega Saturn whilst you were playing the machine but you could remove and insert a memory card on the Playstation whilst you were playing it?

