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Gaming irks

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    I don't even fully get gamergate myself. All I know is that it seems to be a lot of mental feminists vs a lot of mental mysogynists going at each other. Not a lot of balance on either side.

    And some ethics, which don't exist in gaming journalism.


      Cheers i had a look through the articles....still do not get why it has become a thing though if i am honest


        Originally posted by nakamura View Post
        I don't even fully get gamergate myself. All I know is that it seems to be a lot of mental feminists vs a lot of mental mysogynists going at each other. Not a lot of balance on either side.

        And some ethics, which don't exist in gaming journalism.
        Best to just steer clear of that sort of thing and simply watch it all implode under its own hate. It's sad. If people put the same energy into something constructive other that rubbish like that I'm sure the world would be a better place.


          Have a read of those links, Naks.

          GamerGate is this weird mutation that started off with people (rightly) angry that games journalists can be bought with Doritos and Mountain Dew but then one guy (wrongly) claimed an ex-girlfriend games developer, Zoe Quinn, slept with a journalist just to get a good review (he merely mentioned it, rather than review it).
          Quinn was inundated with rape and death threats, her accounts were hacked, her address, phone number and even some nude photographs were made public. She subsequently went into hiding.

          Around that time Anita Sarkeesian started a Kickstarter project to fund a video series "Tropes Vs. Women in Video Gaming".

          "That?s when the harassment started: people vandalised her Wikipedia page with gender-based slurs, and her YouTube videos were hit with a barrage of abuse.

          There were multiple attempts to hack into her accounts and expose her. ?They tried to get my Kickstarter cancelled and reported me to the FBI and the IRS. They tried to post my home address and my parents? information,? she says.

          The attacks haven?t stopped since: some detractors have manipulated images of Sarkeesian to make them appear pornographic, or depicted images of her being raped by video game characters. All because a woman wanted to make a YouTube series about video games."

          So, essentially, GamerGate is now an excuse to make death or rape threats because the mere presence of women in the industry threatens the next Space Soldier cookie-cutter game.

          I think reducing women wanting to enjoy, participate in and evolve our hobby without being threatened with rape or murder deserve more than to be dismissed as "mental feminists".


            I come in this thread and its sexism. I go to the other irks thread and it's race.

            Proper serious on BD today!

            Here's my irk. The removal of the lingerie/swimsuit costumes from Project Zero 5. I only just found out about this is and I am very cross. At least I have DOAX3 on preorder for my 3D ecchi fix

            Thinking about it this is the best possible post after QC's (and I very much agree with your post QC).


              To clarify, I'm not having a go at you, [MENTION=13193]nakamura[/MENTION]!

              I've learned a fair bit about GamerGate today myself and I'm glad we can discuss these things without threats of violence to each other!


                She is a mental feminist though. Her videos are full of ignorant, one sided bile that only paints a picture that suits her. Any valid point she might make is lost because of this.

                Gaming needs to mature but she and the others mentioned are not the ones to do it.

                No threats to her are acceptable though. But she is a moron, same with that Wu girl. They are as much a stain on the industry as anything else.
                Last edited by nakamura; 27-10-2015, 17:50.


                  ^That feels like a little bit of a fingers in the ears reply. Any valid point she might make... is still a valid point. The second you try to discount a valid point, it's fingers in the ears time.

                  And actually I'd question how much you have watched of her videos because she covers a lot of things and it's not all one-sided. Not even close. It's just some people don't like the truth of the main points she makes. Those valid points make some people uncomfortable.

                  Edit: Men. They make some men uncomfortable for no other reason than they are men and don't like women getting all up in their patriarchy.
                  Last edited by Dogg Thang; 27-10-2015, 17:52.


                    I've watched plenty. She makes a lot of money doing what she does. Stirring things up to suit her own desires.


                      Her desire=feminism=equality. Her devious womanly agenda.


                        Her desire is not equality, certainly not from what I or many others have seen. If it was, I'd have no issue.
                        Last edited by nakamura; 27-10-2015, 18:09.


                          I believe it is but, regardless, it doesn't hugely matter when it comes to gamergate. The second she was dragged into it, the core of gamergate was on display, as if it weren't already from being essentially a revenge tactic. Sarkeesian is not a games journalist. No more than your KSI guy is a journalist (our taste in vids reveals a hint of divide here). She wasn't dragged into it because she was a journalist. She was dragged in for having the nerve to be a woman. So whatever you and I think about her, her presence in gamergate is purely misogynistic.


                            I don't watch a lot of KSI's videos but some of them are just stupid fun, some, are just stupid. Sure he oversteps the mark perhaps but the vast majority on his videos I've seen are well aware of what's coming.
                            Also from what I've read a lot of it is an act too.

                            Shouldn't judge a person based on one comment about liking a controversial you tuber.


                              I was just using him as a comparison that seemed to fit. My favourite film series are the Fast and Furious movies, hardly the bastion of feminist ideals. But the point was simply that neither of us would consider him a journalist and Sarkeesian similarly has nothing to do with ethics in games journalism, regardless of our differing views on her videos.


                                Sarkeesian is the biggest troll there's ever been in gaming, worse than Jack Thompson as people take her twisted lies as fact.

                                Sarkeesian has bull****ted her way into relevance and knows exactly how to prevoke extreme reactions. People, including myself, hate her for the single minded, self serving image that she portraits of games and gamers.

                                Gaming has moved forward leaps and bounds and she's determined to paint this negative image every where she goes, she gets prime time tv news slots and slags the entire industry off...

