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Deadly Premonition plot discussion - SPOILERS

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    No idea how right or wrong I might be but this is how I read it:

    The red seeds are a naturally occuring product of a tree that only grows in Greenvale. Decades earlier Forrest discovers that they have hallucenagenic properties and when used correctly can delay the aging of an individual (hence the references to being immortal and his being around so long). However, the seeds also drive those exposed to it to madness. Decades back Forrest is in the army and him and a troop of soldiers create a gas variant and release it on the town. The Raincoat Killer tries to stop them. Unless my memory is messing up I'm not sure the game ever says who the original Killer is or how many years are between events so could it be that Xander Morgan was the Raincoat Killer trying to stop Forrest, therefore leading Forrest to his wife later on as punishment?

    Either way, Forrest kills infects Victoria Morgan and Xander kills her and then himself because if what he's done. Forrest then attacks Zach who escapes alive but is heavily traumatised imagining up York as an alter ego who helps him cope and allows him to be someone else. When faced with the truth Zach re-emerges, he's never able to stop believing in York as he's forever damaged (especially after losing Emily too) though he doesn't need to hide behind him anymore.

    George was just an abused child who became enamoured with Emily as she arrived in town as a decent, cheerful and good woman (exactly what he'd been missing) which made him an easy mark for Forrest. Because she spurned him though Forrest had George manipulate Thomas as a substitute.

    I think the boss battles with George and Forrest were the result of theirs and Zach's hallucinations rather than they actually became monsters. They both show shock that Zach is able to hurt them when they percieve themselves to be unstoppable creatures and as soon as their death forces reality on them the image of monsters disappears and you're left with just the man in both cases. I reckon theirs a hint of implied supernatural element with Forrests lifespan but bar that it's all drug induced damaged minds. Hence why for the most part, Emily manages to stay immune.

    What Forrest does to Emily though before infecting her, then the infection itself and the situation it forces her and Zach through is gut wrenching though and stays with the player for ages after.

    In short, it was an awesome game


      I never thought about it that deeply, but some of those points make a lot of sense.

      I wonder how this would work as a film? The emotional connection in the game is so strong because IT'S A GAME! I AM York! I was horrified at the concluding chapters and felt so sad for Emily (and thus York).


        I think it's one of those games that sits under 'couldn't be done properly in film' brackets. They'd have to cut out so much, exploring the town and doing the side missions really adds to the connection, especially the downtime spent cooking with Emily

        I just never felt that a more full-on supernatural element fit well with the game as like a lot of York's musings, the other characters seem oblivious to it. The boss transformations seem to mirror the characters they're for also. After the abuse from his mother, George is desperate for power and to take control of things in his life so first works his way to become Sheriff and then when that's not enough turns to the seeds hence him appearing to become a stronger and stronger beast in the battle. Forrest becomes a more gluttonous creature as fits his characteristics whereas Thomas who's obsession isn't seeds related but grounded in his love for George doesn't transform into anything at all.


          Would agree that the supernatural elements were pretty jarring, but I think that's just one thing about the game I have to accept - looking at it there is too much evidence that Forrest is a 'supernatural' - even between the scenes with Zach as a child (or even before that with the building of the clock tower and his appearing in the photo behind Polly's desk) and the end of the game he's clearly not aged one bit, and he has a very detailed understanding of exactly what's going on in Zach's head etc. In the podcast John linked earlier there's comments from SWERY stating that he is 'an agent of the red room' or something to that effect also.

          Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
          Decades back Forrest is in the army and him and a troop of soldiers create a gas variant and release it on the town. The Raincoat Killer tries to stop them. Unless my memory is messing up I'm not sure the game ever says who the original Killer is or how many years are between events so could it be that Xander Morgan was the Raincoat Killer trying to stop Forrest, therefore leading Forrest to his wife later on as punishment?
          The original raincoat killer is meant to be Harry's father - if memory serves there is even a cutscene when Harry attacks him from behind out of fear, and is merely knocked out rather than killed. Completely on the money though about the Raincoat Killer being after Forrest though. My guess was always that the Forrest / Xander link just came through the FBI & army links? I am clutching at straws here but in honesty I don't think this is a critical part of the story.


            So what explanation can there be for Forrest being the same in the picture at the hotel? Surely the locals would have figured out that was odd...

