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LoveFilm on the PS3

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    I've not had any issues with the streaming although it is only SD. Even if I do decide to subscribe blu-ray will still be my primary way of watching films, even streaming services at full resolution still have some way to go on that front.

    I see streaming working alongside blu-ray rather than an alternative to it, at least until they are equal in quality and the antiquated European distribution laws are modernised.

    I've just received an email to say that they've posted my first rental blu-ray today which is a nice surprise as it was only yesterday that I started my list. I'd only added a few fairly random films though to see how it worked rather than films I really wanted to see.


      Any more feedback on this?

      I'm thinking of ditching Sky Movies and moving over to this.

      It appears that using Sky or Virgin for phone, broadband and telly doesn't seem to work out very cheap for me.

      I'm trying to cut a few corners with some bills and moving the PS3 into the lounge means I'll have the on demand services of Virgin and the movies of Sky if I take up LoveFilm...


        Yeh I kinda want this too. If only they streamed film in half decent quality HD. Might give it a go though, the full on package for games, blurays and streaming and see how it goes for a month.

        How quick a turnaround are they? Like if I receive a bluray and send it back the next day after watching it, how long would I be expected to wait to get the next?


          My experience so far has been ok. The general quality of the streams is ok...VHS quality perhaps, though this might change dependant on the film being streamed I suppose. The turnover of the films seems ok as well, though I have yet to be sent any of the more popular blu rays on my film list, seems as though the more niche titles are shipped out quickly though. Personally I prefer watching the love film streamed films via the ps3 rather than PC as they have set it out very well, so its easy to find a film worth watching on ps3, whereas on PC setup, its a bit of a trawl to find something decent. Also Lovefilm seem to be adding some newer titles recently to the PS3 service which is pretty decent. Thing its definitely worth a go.


            Just got it there, £11.22/month for unlimited rentals of DVDs, Blurays and games, only 1 disc at a time though which is fine by me, and unlimited streaming.

            Checked it out earlier on the PS3 and Bluray player it both worked a treat. PS3 has a better setup to be honest. The quality as you said isn't all that. It's not terrible though so good for just sticking a movie on when you're bored basically. Obviously I'll be using the bluray rentals for the quality action films with good visuals and surround sound.

            See how fast I get my first disc though and what the turnaround is like. I'll let ya's know.


              Turn around aint bad normally about 3 days, from day you sent back.
              Streamed the film The Box on PS3 recently, the stream was good didn't stop in-between to sync at all, quality was better than I expected it to be not amazing though.
              Choice of films are not too bad lot of oldies on there and a good wee ammount of world cinema choice to stream too, which is always good.


                I get the PS3 streaming service for free, so I can't complain. No major issues with it so far, although they could do with putting some newer titles on there.
                Kept you waiting, huh?


                  Yeah I had a good browse through there and there really is a lot of wank on it.

                  Some good films hidden in between though but you really need to search for it.


                    It's a decent service but it's really down to what you want from it.

                    I was on the unlimited streaming and one blu-ray at a time package for ?9:99 which covered the PS3 and our internet TV. I've cancelled it now though as it just wasn't getting used enough.

                    The PS3 interface is decidedly unfriendly due to either poor design or them just getting it out in a hurry. Hopefully it'll improve but at the moment it really is leagues behind the MUBI app.

                    There are plenty of decent films on this but it's so badly organised that it's just a pain using such an unfriendly system. The videos quality is pretty poor even on the bigger, more expensive films.

                    You can get it for ?9:99 and I got my first month free due them doing a special offer so I'd say that its best to give it a go as you can cancel it if it's not for you. I may resubscribe at some point but they really need to sort it out first.


                      I think the film image quality is also dependant on the speed of your internet connection.


                        How funny is the picture quality? When I review BRAVIA TVs, I sometimes look at the "HD" trailers on the LoveFilm service. I know that I am anal-retentive video professional, but surely this level of compression mush doesn't fly with normal viewers?


                          In all honesty I don't think the majority of people really care about the quality.

                          I mean, how many people out there have bought a HD TV purely because it's labelled as a HD TV, set it up and watch SD Freeview convinced that it's somehow better now that they've got their new telly?

                          I found the quality of LoveFilm's streaming to be pretty awful but I'm sure they have plenty of customers satisfied with it. I'm able to put up with it if it's a film that I really want to watch but the service is poor even in comparison to other services on the same hardware.

                          I'm yet to see blu-ray quality streaming and with blu-rays able to use such a high bandwidth I think we're still some way from really getting close. I know that bandwidth doesn't necessarily equal quality but I'm watching The King of Marvin Gardens on blu-ray right now and that's outputting a near constant 37Mbps without counting the audio.

                          I've seen acceptable HD streaming but it's only been acceptable in comparison to other streaming that I've seen, I'm OK with it because I understand the limits but at the moment I'd much rather pay ten times as much for a good quality blu-ray instead of using poor quality streaming.

                          It certainly has it's place, just like DVDs still do but both are a long way from being first choice for me at the moment.


                            Dunno if it'll have an effect on the service in the long term but Amazon have just bought up Lovefilm

                            GamesRadar+ takes you closer to the games, movies and TV you love.


                              Doubt it will have any effect. They have been part of each other for a quite a while.

                              How does the HD vid quality compare to HD Zune stuff on the 360? Are there any actual specs available for the different services in terms of bitrate and compression settings?

