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Wii Fit Vs Kinect

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    Wii Fit Vs Kinect

    So my sister was saying how she wants a Wii, pretty much for Wii Fit and Sports Resort like the rest of the mugs that buy "The Nations favourite". I have zero interest in Kinect but due to my hatred of the Wii I downloaded a couple of vids to show her and she was rather impressed.

    Anyway, we're considering buying her one or the other for Xmas. Wii was in the lead as I assumed it would be much cheaper but now I realise if you factor in the Wii Fit board the 360 bundle is only ?25 more.

    So, what to buy? Kinect seems like the more fancy tech and better value (with a half decent console included) but the reviews are fairly unspectacular and it'll be more fussy about the living room layout.

    Wii Fit can track your weight, and stuff.


      That is a good point


        Also, how much space do you actually need for Kinect?


          6 Feet in front of the sensor is what is recommended.

          I actually think that the Your shape Fitness evolved one looks quite cool and a bit more energetic than Wii Fit's yoga


            Originally posted by Super Monkey Balls View Post
            So my sister was saying how she wants a Wii, pretty much for Wii Fit and Sports Resort like the rest of the mugs that buy "The Nations favourite". I have zero interest in Kinect but due to my hatred of the Wii I downloaded a couple of vids to show her and she was rather impressed.

            Anyway, we're considering buying her one or the other for Xmas. Wii was in the lead as I assumed it would be much cheaper but now I realise if you factor in the Wii Fit board the 360 bundle is only ?25 more.

            So, what to buy? Kinect seems like the more fancy tech and better value (with a half decent console included) but the reviews are fairly unspectacular and it'll be more fussy about the living room layout.
            I appreciate what you're saying but if you get her a 360, despite it being a more powerful console, is she ever going to utilise that power? Will she not just want to be playing wii fit, wii sports just dance etc? Genuine question BTW, maybe she could be tempted to try other stuff once she's been lured in. My experience of trying to get family members to play 'better' games is that it's not even worth trying.


              Shopping around widens the price difference more too and with the Wii she'd have a much larger & cheaper software selection to boot. Unless someone who's going to use the system is bothered by core games the Wii wins it


                I guess that's it, is is just a christmas want , that in a few months is going to be used?

                What else can each system offer her?

                What other games do you think may interest her?


                  Go for the 360. My guess is that Nintendo will unveil a new console sometime next year, and start to phase out the current Wii. The 360 also has lot of good "casual" games. Lips, Kameo, Scene it, Viva Pinata and some more. And if Fitness is her main goal, than I think that 360 has the better selection: Your Shape, Zumba Fitness, Get fit with Mel B, EA Active 2.0.


                    The 360 will easily be phased out before either the PS3 or the Wii


                      Originally posted by FullSpecWarrior View Post
                      I appreciate what you're saying but if you get her a 360, despite it being a more powerful console, is she ever going to utilise that power? Will she not just want to be playing wii fit, wii sports just dance etc? Genuine question BTW, maybe she could be tempted to try other stuff once she's been lured in. My experience of trying to get family members to play 'better' games is that it's not even worth trying.
                      I'd probably give her my copy of Fable 3 when I'm done with it but you're absolutely right, I'd be pissing in the wind. My experience so far is the same

                      I think the space issue will decide this in the end. From what I've read, Kinect needs 8'+ for 2+ adult players. That's a huge ask, Microsoft.


                        Out of interest, what type of fitness if your sister looking for? Is she trying to simply cause a sweat, or is she also hoping to work on her core-stability through yoga and the like? If it's the later, I would have to say the Wii... I used to do personal training and can honestly say what the Wii Fit (Plus) does so well is that it reads the player's weight and balance.

                        Although seemingly worthless, this proves hugely beneficial when doing exercises that require specific movements or even the slightest muscle intensity. The Wii Fit picks up on the tiniest of weight movements and visibly shows the user how they need to rectify their position to get the exercise right...

                        Kinect is a great tool, however it is very limited and does not consider the player's weight, which however subtle, can be the difference between a good workout, or a great one. It really depends on whether your sister hopes to simply workup bit of a sweat or is actually quite serious about working on those inner muscles :-)
                        ----Member since April 2002



                          i would say wii fit is better than kinect, the balance board is huge asset for fitness and tracking your progress.
                          Saying that tho kinect sports athletics = sweat and effort real


                            Definitely, Kinect is a real achiever of getting a sweat on, but so too is standing on the spot doing star jumps or punching the air for five minutes. It really must be considered what your sister is after - does she want a truly good workout (if so then Wii Fit Plus)- or simply hoping to get flushed and sweaty (Definitely the Kinect). There's no right or wrong option :-)
                            Last edited by Adam Stone; 12-11-2010, 23:17.
                            ----Member since April 2002



                              Both useless bobbins. Go to the gym instead.

