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[comments] Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow review

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    [comments] Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow review

    Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow review

    Thanks to Blair for the words.

    I have never played the game outside of the demo, so what I'm about to say is in large part based on clips and other reviews. But I do not think calling it "revolutionary" in any way, as the structure of the game is very similar to God of War, the same can be said about the combat system.


      I can't really disagree with anything in that review to be honest. I thought i'd dislike the game and it doesn't start particularly well but by chapter 4 I was having a great time. Combat was good enough but if they do a sequel will need a fair amount of work - in particular the block which needs tightening up to become more useful. Far too much of the game can be beaten by just rolling around.

      I do think the middle section of the game is the highlight (which lasts as long as most games of this type - it's a big game!) and it eventually mis-steps for the final chapter, but for the most part it is a very enjoyable adventure. The story wasn't anything special but the ending was certainly memorable.

      Alex - maybe misreading it but I can't see what part of the review you are refering too.


        Its a 7 for me because of the camera. There is no doubt the art was amazing, the castle looked stunning, one of the main reasons to actually bother to play the game further.

        I thought Patrick Stewart was fine, I think the blurb he was asked to read was too long, not his fault. Robert Carlyle..I couldnt hear what he was mumbling half the time anyway.

        I think the bottom line is you can't award a high score to a game that gets the basics like the camera so wrong regardless of how good the rest is.

        If you want to play a game like this and don't have a PS3, your better off picking up Dantes Inferno, which is more fun in my opinion.

        I also agree with above, its way too easy to just roll out the way of all of the attacks. The block was too hard to pull off, and too risky alot of the time.


          Is the camera really that bad?


            Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
            Alex - maybe misreading it but I can't see what part of the review you are refering too.
            "Yet LoS is not a failure, it is a triumph of innovation, re-invention and careful homage." was the line I was referring to, but I see now that it might be exclusively about the story, which I know nothing about. So probably my bad.

            I still think the score was very high for a game that I feel does very little new, and much of it even poorly (the platforming).


              Originally posted by Alex WS View Post
              "Yet LoS is not a failure, it is a triumph of innovation, re-invention and careful homage." was the line I was referring to, but I see now that it might be exclusively about the story, which I know nothing about. So probably my bad.

              I still think the score was very high for a game that I feel does very little new, and much of it even poorly (the platforming).
              I completed the game and I can tell you that it dosent do anything new, it IS a decent re-invention of the franchise, though theres nothing about it thats a homage in any way IMO, it is certainly nothing at all like other Castlevania games and you can count the number of references it makes to other games in the series on one hand. So god knows what game the reviewer actualy played really.

              I have to point out though that the demo was awful, I didnt love the game like most people seemed too, but it was so much better than the demo, the demo didnt really show you what the full thing was like at all really, so I dont think your opinion of the demo has much to do with the actual full game.

              Originally posted by Charlie View Post
              Is the camera really that bad?
              The Camera isnt great, you have no control over it which can mean you somtimes get attacked by enemies that you cant even see.

              Having said that its alot better than the camera in a couple of other games Ive played this year (Enslaved springs to mind)
              Last edited by rmoxon; 22-11-2010, 19:41.


                You can certainly count the Castlevania referances on more than one hand. I'd list them all for you, but I simply don't have the time.




                    Originally posted by Strider View Post
                    You can certainly count the Castlevania referances on more than one hand. I'd list them all for you, but I simply don't have the time.
                    Well I can agree, this was clearly designed as a reboot, the have pretty much completely altered the series.

                    It's just a shame in doing that it came across as a bit of a non entity to me, with no real defing features.

