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What are your three favourite console launch titles in terms of GFX

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    What are your three favourite console launch titles in terms of GFX

    Inspired by buy another thread .

    What's your 3 most impressive launch games in terms of GFX/sound . You know just the game that showed off your brand new launch console on its domestic launch.

    F-Zero - SNES. It looked unlike anygame in the screen shots (and better than almost anything out there) , but to see and hear it on your own TV was nothing short of sensational. Don't think any other game as ever come as close to F-Zerom for sheer WOW factor and showing off the power of your new console; doing stuff not seen in the previous generation

    Virtual Fighter - Saturn. It wasn't just the 3D graphics that was unlike anything I had seen before on the in the home. It was more the movement and animation. For the 1st time a game moved, flowed and was animated as like what would expected to have seen in Jackie Chan film. And man.. those BONE Crushing sound effects have still let to be bettered in any fighter to this very day

    Crash N Burn - 3DO. To have a game/console in your own house that looked like it belonged in a SEGA or Tatio top end coin up , was about as jaw dropping as the 3DO price. Still it was incredible, way back in 1992 .

    Sonic on Mega Drive
    Mario 64 0n N64
    Ridge on Psone

    All blew me away, now it's just the norm


      Very predictable, but:

      Ridge Racer - PS
      Mario 64 on N64
      Halo - Xbox

      The look of the games definitely included in being classics.


        For me it's exactly the same as in the other thread:

        -Mario 64
        To see for the first time, nothing has ever compared.

        -Super Mario World
        It's still a lovely looking game and to see Mode 7 at work in the inventive ways it was was great

        -Jet Set Radio Future
        For me, easily the best looking Xbox launch game and to this day it still looks stunning


          N64 - Pilotwings 64
          I was never a huge fan of the original but this really caught my eye when I saw it running in my local indie at the time on the Jp launch. It wasn't just the detail and scale of the islands but the fact you could, at any given time, soar up high and look down on them in their entirity. Still think it looks amazing today.

          SNES - F-Zero
          Another game that sold me the system. After playing the likes of Lotus Turbo Challenge on the Amiga, F-Zero came along and I've been a console gamer since. Again, seeing it running in a shop made me stop and gawp at it for ages. Like PW64 it's still a looker.

          Saturn - Virtua Fighter
          Might have been because I was so hyped for it, or that I had to justify the £550 I'd just spent on the game and a system, but to me it was the arcade game and it looked incredible. The animation on those fighters was something else ... Jeffrey's nose lift move


            Definitely SMW and Mario 64.
            I remember just wandering around in Mario 64 and zooming in/out on things.
            Also jumping through the mirror effect was awesome and swimming with the fish in the secret aquarium.


              1. Ridge Racer
              2. Ridge Racer V
              3. Ridge Racers
              Kept you waiting, huh?


                Ridge Racer V, good shout! Many will laugh but I love the visuals in the game even today. Super smooth, lush lighting and superb car design. The lush blue hues of the morning light and warm glow of the late afternoon....

                F-Zero. Have to agree with TA again! Total visual feast in 1991 or whenever it came out. SO fast and so fluid with mental sound to match.

                Wipeout. This game sold me the PS1 but for some reason I chose Tekken as my first game. Anyway, Wipeout staggered me, perhaps more than any other lauch title. Smooth, fast with little clipping and amazing special effects. It also looked pinsharp on my 14in telly back in the day. The tunnel on Karbonis being standout.


                  Originally posted by Atticus View Post
                  N64 - Pilotwings 64
                  I was never a huge fan of the original but this really caught my eye when I saw it running in my local indie at the time on the Jp launch. It wasn't just the detail and scale of the islands but the fact you could, at any given time, soar up high and look down on them in their entirity. Still think it looks amazing today.

                  SNES - F-Zero
                  Another game that sold me the system. After playing the likes of Lotus Turbo Challenge on the Amiga, F-Zero came along and I've been a console gamer since. Again, seeing it running in a shop made me stop and gawp at it for ages. Like PW64 it's still a looker.

                  Saturn - Virtua Fighter
                  Might have been because I was so hyped for it, or that I had to justify the ?550 I'd just spent on the game and a system, but to me it was the arcade game and it looked incredible. The animation on those fighters was something else ... Jeffrey's nose lift move
                  Good list mate,

                  Totally agree with you on Pilotwings 64 . Its very much overlooked by many, I feel (I liked it more than Mario 64 for gameplay) It'ss graphics were indeed brilliant, I remember just being stunned by the waves hinting the beach.

                  Must say Playing VF3 onthe DC in December 1998 was something so very special, if only to have Model 3 graphics on your home; Dead Or Alive III was also something of a WOW moment , more so when seeing a player smash through that Neon Sign inthe Hong Kong backdrop.

                  I must say that while it's not quite a domestic launch title, Star Wars RS II onthe CUBE was utterly jaw dropping and still for me, the best looking game onthe system. Incredible to think it was a USA Launch title


                    Virtua Fighter (Saturn)
                    Ridge Racer (Playstation)
                    Mario 64 (N64)


                      Motorstorm - PS3
                      Ridge Racer - PSone
                      Super Mario 64 - N64


                        sorry wrong thread!
                        Last edited by analog dog; 06-12-2010, 19:46.


                          Soul Calibur - Remember reading a review prior to launch and the only comparison they had for the graphics were the Tekken FMV sequences - nothing else came close.

                          Super high poly characters, massive viewing distances, the picture actually being clear - something I wasn?t used to owning an n64. Makes you wonder what could have been had the DC had a longer life cycle.

                          Tekken Tag Tournament - The stage with the grass waving from side to side made my jaw drop the first time I saw it running. There was just so much to take in.


                            Megadrive - Sonic 1
                            Mega CD - Night Trap
                            Saturn - VF1
                            Last edited by mikewl; 09-12-2010, 16:44.

