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New Year Gaming resolutions

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    New Year Gaming resolutions

    Anybody have any gaming related resolutions for the coming year.

    Spend less/more?
    Get into or out of a system?
    Do you plan on playing certain games you'd passed up on or haven't gotten around to playing?
    Have a clear out?

    Personally I'm going to change my spending habits. I spent an okay amount last year but on a lot of cheap games. This year I'm going to be more selective and spread my spending over fewer game.

    I'm going to have a big clear out and get rid of anything I don't use.

    Play and consume less, make more content and finish a few personal projects.

    I'm going to set time aside to play Etrian Odyssey 3, Deadly Premonition, M&M: Clash of Heroes and hopefully some of the recent JPN only gems (Ni no Kuni, Solatorobo) if they get translated.

    Actually make use of my Gold sub and start playing MP games again.

    Venture into more traditional gaming and try to change my view of games based on die rolls (Risk factions isn't helping, cthulhu dice is). I'm also going to try some forum based RPG's/fiction.

    Play less COD. It just saps all my gaming time.


      Buy less games. Play the ones I do buy, and get full value for money from them, rather than leave them unplayed for months before selling them on here. Simple.


        £30 a month or less on retro. Similar budget for modern I guess, may make exceptions for imports like Arcana Heart 3.

        In regards to actually playing games - I guess complete many of the games I have and have yet to complete. Not many but I'd like to be up to date.


          Buy less, play more!! But fewer games with more longevity.

          Lots more online play having really enjoyed Blur and NFS lately. Test Drive 2 and the new EDF pre-ordered!!

          No more FPS games. Bought Blops out of habit and had 0 fun with it, only had slightly more with Reach so a year off due to burnout on those games.

          Get better at shmups...Death Smiles and MMP incoming.


            Sell my ENTIRE (2000+ total) games collection to people who will stroke and love them, unlike me.
            Play less Halo.
            Try to play 1 game at a time, until completition then sell sharpish (Unless the MP is outstanding)
            Play on my PC more. I now have about 80+ games on steam to try and rinse, that should keep me busy alongside the FLURRY of half completed point n clicky adventures, boxed product.


              Buy less. Maybe 1 new game a month. I'm also going to try and stick to my Xmas plan of getting rid of a game once it's finished to fund the next.


                Spend less time reading about playing games and more time playing them. Seriously, some nights I spend 3 hours reading up on games when could just be playing them.

                Admittedly, the birth of my daughter has mad it very hard to play games often.

                With regards to spending money

                1. Buy less app store games in my ipad - they may only be a couple of quid but I must have close to 20 games I haven't even played once on my iPad.

                2. Maximum spend of ?25 per game on 360/ps3. Dont know about you guys, but I'm getting well annoyed at paying full price for a game on release for it to be discounted weeks later.


                  My ones are

                  play many of the games i love and finish them also to buy only the games i really fell i'll get my money over off


                    Finish the games I have either not even started or played 10 mins of then got bored of/started playing something else.

                    Mirrors Edge
                    Sam and Max
                    Devil May Cry 4

                    I am talking to you! You will all be finished/well played by the end of Feb


                      Clearing the backlog and playing more games is top of my list. I want to go back to more traditional things, though- I have a Star Soldier PSP compilation on the way and DoDonPachi on pre-order, so I'll try to better myself at that sort of thing instead of corridor shooters and co-op nonsense.

                      Also: need to complete my setup. Got the speakers, got the huge screen, got the amp, consoles and interconnects but haven't finished decorating yet.


                        Finish good games.
                        Don't buy new games at full price on release. There's no need. I don't play online really so may as well grab them at ?20 or whatever.
                        Only play really good games.

                        Read more books. I'm getting too old for this gaming **** really. That said, every time I think that I've outgrown gaming something comes along that hooks me back in. This time it's Batman : Arkham Asylum - amazing game.


                          Can't believe the thread has got this far with no-one saying 1920x1280.


                            Did that in the general New Years thread days back.

                            I plan to buy fewer games...Only have 3 on order right now...For January...


                              I like the way I game so I don't think I'll change much. Maybe I'll sell more games that I've finished while they are still worth something instead of keeping them. Have a lot of backlog to get through, need to make myself play through some of it! Happy new year everyone

