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Regional Digital Distribution

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    Regional Digital Distribution

    I?ve been meaning to write this for some time, but some of the comments in the Nintendo 3DS thread have spurred me to make a thread out of this.

    Many people are complaining about the fact that the games for the N3DS are going to be region-locked, but the strange thing is that nobody is really complaining about the fact that the games/apps on the online store will be, too--shrugging it off as merely an inconvenience.

    This is a topic that has annoyed me for some time. I got a DSi with the promise that I would be able to play the Shantae sequel, as well as some other WayForward games. None have appeared on the Japanese store. There are quite a few games in the PSP minis series that seem really interesting, but many of these are also not available for Japanese PSPs. Even in the iPhone AppStore, despite being the best in this regard, is region-locked: I?m still waiting for Chu Chu Rocket to appear on it, being tied to the Japanese store.

    Sure, there are ways around this region-locking, but--why should they be necessary? Why do publishers decide not to ?publish? some games in some regions? With Shantae, I can see it might be because of localisation issues, but what about Chu Chu Rocket, which is not available on the Japanese AppStore? Or Pac-Man:CE, which is on the Japanese AppStore, but, paradoxically, not on the Japanese PSN store?

    The problem is not only downloadable content, either, and in general I?ve been seeing a tightening of region control by the hardware makers. Note games like ModNation Racers, for example, which require you to activate the online modes in the game through the region?s online store. Living in Japan at the moment, I can?t get the North American copy I bought to work online.

    The question is, though, why aren?t people complaining about this more? The internet was supposed to make the world a global region; instead, it seems as if it?s making the world even more region-focussed and compartmentalised.

    Well, as for why people aren't complaining about it more, I guess the fact that now the entire thing, carts and all, are now region locked became the bigger all-encompassing issue. People did complain about the DSi ware to an extent but there hasn't been enough actual software for enough people to care to the point where you'd see any kind of outcry.

    And plenty of people have been complaining about the region-specific PSP PSN store. You can switch identities so it's workable but still a pain in the ass.

    But until the DSi store gets a hell of a lot better, the big issue is going to be the proper retail releases.


      The bottom line is that we are the minority. The vast majority of people don't know what region locking is, much less why they should care about it.

      As for why it happens, it is simply archaic elements of the current economic system that weren't really designed to cope with a global economic market, and is now having to be propped up by these artificial restrictions in order for businesses to maintain control.


        A reasonable amount of it is actually down to the rating systems. Doubly so now they're starting to become legally enforceable in various countries that didn't use to.


          An excellent topic, with an excellent complaint. Arada392 has my vote for Prime Minister.

          For the record, I have complained about this with the DSi, but few seemed to care so I couldn't be bothered any more.

          Region locking is the reason I have never bought a 360, and it's the reason I won't buy a 3DS. A long time ago I had the energy to fight and complain and pay huge sums to have all my hardware modded with crude Russian circuitry to circumvent corporate control. But eventually a battle of sheer attrition breaks you.

          I can't be arsed any more. If after suffering from the 8-bit days with regional control people are still not rising up, continuously trying to rally them seems pointless. I'll just choose not to buy the hardware.

          This is my last generation in the games industry. From the next, I will exclusively be Mr Retro, with my outdated PS3, PSP and original DS slim, all region free.

          PM me when you've assassinated the Tsar (Miyamoto), Arada392, and then together we can break the chains of oppression that shackle our fellow workers (gamers), and the region-free revolution can begin.
          Last edited by Sketcz; 23-01-2011, 08:06.


            Nintendo stores are the worst IMO, as unlike XBLA, PSN, app store etc, there is *no* way to get your hardware to look at another region's store. My guess as to the main reason people don't care about the DS shop (yet), is that 99% of what's on there is ****e. For me having a JPN DSi meant I got Aa Mujou Setsuna months before it ever went state-side, and I got to dabble with the bizarre Blazblue spin-off and some of the GG series games - which were awful, for the most part - but aside from that there was nothing in any of the region stores that really interested me.

            With the threat of a 3DS VC containing GB/GBC games however, I imagine this is going to get a lot more frustrating, and there being a lot more envy/complaints of other stores.

            Whilst all of this is annoying, I am probably the opposite of dear Sketcz above and just see this as a 'price of entry' thing that I whinge about every now but otherwise just accept. I have three 360s (UK/US/JPN) and have already nigh-on convinced myself I need both a JPN and a US 3DS, so there's no helping me


              With the services like the Sky thing and iPlayers etc, it's possible we could see IP lockouts too, which could be another major problem.


                ^ Agreed.

                I'm surprised this hasn't happened with this generation. I imagine it'll be defacto with the next, in the same way services like Netflix, NFL GamePass etc. have all been setup.


                  That already happens doesn't it? I can't get the UK/US comics viewer installed on my PSP.

                  Actually no, that's not IP lock-out as such because it's the pre-installed XMB icon that does the downloading, but I think there ARE IP lockouts for the actual comic d/ls.

                  And the BBC iPlayer doesn't work on my PS3 (UK account on a machine in Japan).


                    iPlayer lockouts are more to do with BBC and the license fee than Sony/Nintendo etc.

                    There are some IP lockouts on XBLA currently too (Games on Demand are #1 culprit). Agreed that this is an even worse trend that I hope dies quickly.


                      I've been complaining about this for ages, and you know why? Because it terrifies me.

                      I don't think physical media is going to go away, but downloaded content is not going to go away either. The idea of being powerless against late releases, censorship, and excessive prices terrifies me.

                      If things continue this way, then piracy may be our only way of playing certain games in the future. How on earth can that be right?

                      Glad to see this thread though. "I'm mad as hell and I can't take it any more!"


                        Originally posted by Lyris View Post
                        If things continue this way, then piracy may be our only way of playing certain games in the future. How on earth can that be right?
                        Well, it's been that way for a while. A lot of retro games are so rare and overpriced piracy is the only option. Piracy is also the only way I was able to "own" Pole's Big Adventure on Wii, one of the system's great highlights and DD only. A friend introduced me to it and watched me play for my reactions, and then I did it with someone else - it's one of those games which is as fun to watch someone else and how they react, as it is to play.

                        But we will never, ever see it in the west. Ever. Despite it being one of the best Sega games to come out in the last 5 years.

                        That's a travesty.

                        I feel your fear Lyris, but honestly? I'm just going to ignore the next generation. It's getting more and difficult to enjoy this hobby, because the ****ers in charge are determined that we only "consume" while on our knees with a collar round our necks. There's enough games from the 8-bit to PS3 generations for me to still go through, without getting concerned about the PSP2, 3DS or future TV consoles.

                        Our time Lyris, certainly my time as a hardcore collector and writer of games, is coming to an end. My nerdcore hobby is being engulfed by the filthy, inept, brainless and all-consuming masses, happy to waste money on the next soulless product plonked out by the Industry Factory. Our esoteric little hive, our elitist niche populated by geeks, is being demolished and rebuilt for greater profit powered by the lowest common denominator - powered by the norms. Powered by vanilla, Sunday-best families comprised of well-adjusted and socially healthy human beings. And their clean living ways disgust me. Gaming was best when it was run by binary freaks for binary freaks.

                        Region locking on DD happens because it generates more money and allows more control over plebs.
                        Last edited by Sketcz; 23-01-2011, 15:54.


                          my problem is with digital distribution is simple...there will come a day when stuff is taken of servers to make room or that servers are shutdown and so stuff will not be available

                          my analogy is this i have that are 10 years old i can still play them on the older consoles no problem at all

                          but for example lets say borderlands whats going to happen in 10 years time will all the DLC be still available and more importantly will the patches


                            With you on this one sketcz.


                              Originally posted by eastyy View Post
                              my problem is with digital distribution is simple...there will come a day when stuff is taken of servers to make room or that servers are shutdown and so stuff will not be available

                              my analogy is this i have that are 10 years old i can still play them on the older consoles no problem at all

                              but for example lets say borderlands whats going to happen in 10 years time will all the DLC be still available and more importantly will the patches
                              dude, you will be expected to pay for stuff again and again and again if you will want your old stuff to be played on the latest evolutions of sony/microsoft/nintendo's consoles.

                              the crucial bit will be in the next generation. Will sony/microsoft allow ones online id to be transferred to the newer incarnations(ps4 xbox 720) along with all the stuff one would have bought on that account.............

