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Best PS3 games without trophies?

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    Best PS3 games without trophies?

    Now, listen, I'm not interesting in getting into a discussion about the merits of the trophy system.

    However, I am in the position where I can play PS3 games at work without access to the net. So no patches, no trophies and no locked saves.

    What are the best games people can recommend?

    Currently I am playing through Valkyria Chronicles. (And yes, it's pure flippin' win so far ;-) )

    Metal Gear Solid 4 - No patches because it was perfect right out the box. Other devs take note.


      Originally posted by InvisibleKid View Post
      However, I am in the position where I can play PS3 games at work without access to the net. So no patches, no trophies and no locked saves.

      What are the best games people can recommend?
      Surely anything in that case pretty much? I mean if you're not connected to the net it doesn't matter if it has trophies or patches or not does it.


        Originally posted by kernow View Post
        Surely anything in that case pretty much? I mean if you're not connected to the net it doesn't matter if it has trophies or patches or not does it.
        By patches I mean patches that you can't actually enjoy the game without. Like a game breaking bug was patched on launch day or anything.

        The reason I don't want to play games that have trophies is because I actually like trophies and I can earn them at home - I want to transfer the saves home when I finish the game. (Again, I don't want to get into a 'TROPHIES ARE 4 LOOZERS!1' discussion.)


          Originally posted by FSW View Post


            You do know that you still earn trophies when you are offline? They just won't sync to your account until you connect to the PSN.

            I played KZ2 for a week after my internet had been disconnected due to moving house, and I still got all the trophies.


              *removed drunken ramblings*
              Last edited by kernow; 30-01-2011, 01:03.


                I think he won't be logged into his account at work, hence unlocking trophies would be pointless.

                What about ninja gaiden sigma? From memory that has no trophies


                  Ridge Racer 7 is not bad either but no dual shock support.

