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PTE 4: The Anticipation Emancipation

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    PTE 4: The Anticipation Emancipation

    2011 is set to see the release of, frankly, a large number of FPS titles although the key distinction this time over previous years seems to be that developers are finally trying to create their own corners of the market. With Call of Duty commanding such a large share of the market this years titles are vying to generate a wider and more varied FPD market with uniquely styled titles rather than flooding the market with military themes. Of the main releases due this year, which are you most looking forward to?

    As a guide to the inevitable questions about how the above selection of 10 was made I firstly took any titles that hadn?t been officially announced like Halo: ?Resolution? Evolved out of the question and then anything that strays further out of the standard FPS catagorisations (like Deus Ex). After that the 10 selection limit meant cutting out one or two more middleware titles like Call of Juarez and Fear 3. Bodycount just seems to be currently lost somewhere?

    As a final tip for discussion remember:
    The only thing more tiresome than Call of Duty annual sequels, is whining about them.
    Battlefield 3
    Call of Duty 8
    Crysis 2
    Duke Nukem Forever
    Killzone 3
    Resistance 3

    To me it's a very close call between Duke Nukem Forever and Rage, but I went with Duke. Both interest me quite a lot, Duke because it's Duke with the stupid macho humour and Rage because of the post-apocalyptic setting and because it's a new game from id. I'm not really interested in Hollywood military shooters (especially modern day), so these two stand out to me with their concepts the most. I can't really say why I chose Duke over Rage, maybe it's the 14 years worth of hype and that it's FINALLY here.


      Out of the games in question the one that I know I'll play the most hours wise is Call of Duty 8 although it's not a game I'm actively anticipating and considering the development circumstances and I'm expecting the next one to be the least progressive and likely ropey one yet.

      Killzone 3 is one I'm mainly looking forward to due to the single player and Duke is a close runner because it just out and out prioritises gamings most underrated factor... fun

      As far as the vote goes though I had to go with Brink. For quite some time now I've been hopeful that the final game will be a corker and hopefully the extended dev time has been used to iron out the framerate


        No 'none' option, but I had to laugh when I saw COD 8, then realised it was actually 8 *palm*


          I don't play online as my internet still sucks (which is crazy in this day & age) so my anticipation is purely campaign based.

          1. Rage looks great, there just seems so much to do and the racing and upgrading vehicle stuff really gets my juices flowing.

          2. I've just bought a new graphics card so naturally Crysis 2 is next up for me. Even if the game is carp i just want it for the shinies.

          3. Homefront looks cool. Looked good last E3 so i have pretty high hopes for it.

          4. Duke. Should be fun?

          5. Brink looks very interesting but haven't seen much of it recently.

          I love FPS's as much as most so i'll probably end up getting most if not all of the games listed. My top 3 are the only one's i'll get around launch (maybe?).


            this poll needs moar xcom


              Easily DNF.

              14 years in development, 3 engine changes, the fact it?s a colourful fps that doesn?t take itself seriously, the hype, the early promises, the voice.

              Even if it turns out to be crap (which it won?t) just finding out what the hell they?ve been doing all this time should peak every gamers interest.

              I just hope Gearbox release a collectors edition with old builds of the game.

              Originally posted by Mad Gear View Post
              1. Rage looks great, there just seems so much to do and the racing and upgrading vehicle stuff really gets my juices flowing.
              Yeah, I watched a demo being given on Gametrailers, looks fun.

              There?s been a bit of a negative response regarding the setting, comparing Rage to Fallout 3 and Borderlands, but I haven?t played either so it should feel fresh.

              Rage will give us an idea of where they?re going with the new Doom game too - very interested to see how that game turns out based on the talent that requested to work on the game.


                Killzone, Resistance and Rage, in that order. Not a huge FPS fan really but sometimes mind numbing killing is the order of the day.

                Looking forward to Socom 4 more than any of these FPSs.


                  Without a shred of doubt Battlefield 3.
                  It was between that and crysis 2, mostly because its the closest I will ever be to playing crysis at a fps more than 10 on low settings.
                  I would like to try the Killzone 3 Beta but have received a 20005 error around 12times now, I will keep trying as the bot match were alright.
                  Looks like it could be a good year though, xcom, deus ex and maybe see some of thi4f too.


                    Deus Ex 3 for me, still haven't played number 2 yet but absolutely adored the first one. I think it still has yet to be bettered in terms of providing an open, player driven experience.


                      Originally posted by kernow View Post
                      Now this was a surprising answer...

                      Originally posted by Kit View Post
                      There?s been a bit of a negative response regarding the setting, comparing Rage to Fallout 3 and Borderlands, but I haven?t played either so it should feel fresh.
                      At least Rage will actually be a good looking post-apoc game unlike Fallout 3, which was pretty ugly even when it came out. Ugh, the faces, the animations... *shudder*

                      Originally posted by averybluemonkey View Post
                      Deus Ex 3 for me, still haven't played number 2 yet but absolutely adored the first one. I think it still has yet to be bettered in terms of providing an open, player driven experience.
                      DE3 is more of an action/adventure/RPG hybrid in my opinion. Then again Rage also seems to have some RPG elements in it.


                        Sadly XCOM looks like a 2012 release. 2K is pushing hard next year with that, Metro 2034 and Bioshock Infinite


                          None of those for me. I'm looking forward to Portal 2, but I guess that may not apply as there's no shooting involved as such... other than that, can't think of anything else. Cheap year for me I suspect.

