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[comments] Metroid: Other M Wii review

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    [comments] Metroid: Other M Wii review

    Metroid: Other M Wii review

    Thanks to Blair for the words.

    I have not played this game myself - and probably never will - as what I have seen and heard about the portrayal of Samus is offensive to me. Good to see a review that gives that aspect the attention it deserves, as her character seems to be very central in the game. Most other reviewers barely mention how ridiculous Samus is in this game, usually they don't think it matters all that much, as they probably treat it as a mindless action game. Glad to see that not all are swayed by the glitter of Team Ninja.


      Good review. I can't say I disagree with anything there. The whole story and acting in Other M is really quite embarrassing and It'll be interesting to see if Ninty back-track and reboot Samus next time around. That is, if there's a next time. You don't often see a 1st party title discounted everywhere.


        I agree that it was disapointing.

        I cant agree that the combat is improved over other metroid games though. The combat is actualy no more complex than in any of the 2D games. Add to that an Auto Targeting system, semi-auto dodging and many section where all you simply do is stand still and hold a button until everything is dead, and you realise the game actualy has some of the most boring combat seen in any game for years.


          Ouch. I like Other M. It's fun. That said, I've never been a huge Metroid fan.


            Excellent review. Other: M was possibly my biggest disappointment of the last few years. I had a huge issue with the exploration once the game had finished too, It only takes a few hours to collect everything 100%.


              Originally posted by Rep View Post
              Excellent review. Other: M was possibly my biggest disappointment of the last few years. I had a huge issue with the exploration once the game had finished too, It only takes a few hours to collect everything 100%.
              It was just too easy wasn't it? Not only do you get the hum of an item nearby but it tells you where it is on the map! Team Ninja missed the mark again there. Even in Super Metroid you knew there was an item in a room - but it didn't give you the exact damn co-ordinates!


                Good review, i was very disappointed with Metroid Other M myself


                  I enjoyed other m at the time, but only just the other day, I realised I had completely forgotten the game even existed. Even now I'm struggling to remember anything memorable from the game despite having 100%ed it.


                    I really need to get around to playing this, it's been sitting there since Day 1 and I'm really curious whether I'll find the same issues people seem to. Most of the complaints seem to fall in two camps with the difficulty and characterisation being them. The easy difficulty won't bother me, the spikes in the Prime games where the weakest part of the games and as the years roll on I'd take an eay fun game over a hard one any day as I just don't find the fun in frustation anymore. Characterisation wise I should be okay as other than the mental image fans like to project onto Samus she's completely void of character so I shouldn't be too bothered by how she's portrayed.


                      Great review. My most disappointing game of 2010


                        Review is a bit harsh tbh. While I think Other:M is one of the weaker entries in the series I still enjoyed it a fair bit. I wouldn't have played through it twice if it was as awful as some make it out to be.

