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Slightly Blurry DS Boxart

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    Slightly Blurry DS Boxart

    My brother bought a pre-owned copy of Rocket Slime for $13 at EB Games the other day, but I noticed that the box art, especially the spine (which looks a little jagged too), looked like it had blurrier edges than the box art of my other games, and I got a little suspicious. However, booklet is fine, the serial numbers all checked out and, it came with a Health and Safety warning plus SquareEnix registration card, so there's no way this thing is fake.

    I also noticed slight blurriness on another DS game I bought pre-owned at EB Games, except this was a few years ago, the first Phoenix Wright game (The case is US but the game is EU, so I guess they must've had two pre-owned copies and the clerk pulled out the EU one from their stock). Again, booklet is fine and Health and Safety insert was included.

    These box arts aren’t as blurry as some of the obviously fake games I've seen, but it's not as crystal clear as the other Australian and, suspiciously, new NA games I've bought. Also noteworthy is how all my other games, both Australian and American, have a next to the Nintendo Seal, while these two instead have a ®.

    Anything fishy going on or is the boxart and ® for these two games supposed to be like that? I read in an old thread here about Rhythm Heaven or something have a murkier front cover.
    Last edited by Big A2; 01-03-2011, 08:20.

    Probably completely off the ball, but maybe they lost the original sleeve or box and printed another out on a swanky printer? The company I worked at tried that for a while and they'd look a bit blurrier than original prints(most likely because they were just scans).


      It's possible, but it's a bit strange that only the two pre-owned NA games I got have this while the two new ones I have don't. Coincidence perhaps?

