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Beyond Good & Evil HD Review

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    Beyond Good & Evil HD Review

    So, while not perfect, this HD update is a fitting reminder that perfection isn?t all glossy surfaces and pristine corners, and that both character and joy are just as important in how people garner fond memories. Beyond Good and Evil HD is a joyous experience ? just leave your baggage at the door, forgive the more esoteric instances, and enjoy the ride.
    Click the link below to read the full review:

    Not tried the HD update, but if it's the same as the original, then I'm in full agreement. Not perfect, but it has so much character and fun that every moment was savoured. Even just chilling in the bar was so ambient it's one of those games that has stuck with me and just recently picked up the ntsc GC version again.


      I never finished the original on the GC, so this m,ioght just be an excuse for me to go back. Although I have no idea whether my internet connection will be up to the download size.

