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Homefront sells 375k copies day one in the US

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    Homefront sells 375k copies day one in the US

    yes, that's right. That very unremarkable looking modern combat war game that the forum has been so avidly following has sold like crazy **** in the states.

    Are we seeing the first signs of COD dying?

    If something as bland looking at Homefront can sell so well . I wonder how Battlefield 3 will do

    Jeez, those THQ stock prices will be shooting up again in no time now.


      Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
      yes, that's right. That very unremarkable looking modern combat war game that the forum has been so avidly following has sold like crazy **** in the states.

      Are we seeing the first signs of COD dying?

      If something as bland looking at Homefront can sell so well . I wonder how Battlefield 3 will do
      Homefront rides the "**** the North Koreans noone can invade our nation" wave, not due to its innate qualities.


        No. It just shows the market has changed. Stick an average shooter with a bit of decent advertising and it will sell.

        And no I can't see COD dying. Most people I presume will get bored of Homefront after a week and go back to COD.


          If anything it proves the popularity of COD given the surface similarities of the games, most certainly there's no downward turn on COD's side and COD8 will outsell things like this and Battlefield 3 many times to one... which (before the anti-COD brigade predictably turn up in this thread) is also not a reflection on each series qualities.

          Personally it's nice to see. THQ has made noise about turning itself around and listening to fans more and whilst Homefront might not be a AAA rater it will allow them to fund things like Metro 2034 and, if they hold their word perhaps build towards some solid alternative franchises instead of seeing yet another company go out of business


            I expected this game to bomb, this is surprising. But I wouldn't call Homefront bland. Its story is really above par, and the multiplayer is actually very solid.


              Knew I should've splashed out on THQ shares are that stupid drop from a single not-too-terrible review.

              Analysts and stock brokers always seem so clueless about the gaming market.


                I think it's the Eurogamer review that describes the plot of this as 'a tea partiers nightmare'. There's something here in this one that appeals to a particular part of the US psyche. I suspect it'll not do close to as well over here.

                When I speak to USians that I know, there always seems to be this fear of their country being invaded. After the Japan earthquake they were all talking about putting together 'bug-out-bags' for if the same thing happens in the States.

                A few Americans I know are borderline obsessed with what to do in a local apocalypse. They almost seem to be looking *forward* to having one.


                  Americans are usually being raised with fear. Americans seem to think that 'they from afar' can always strike at some day and thus they prepare for everything.

                  The government uses this fear to justify the obscenely high funds they pump into military defenses. Their social system sucks though, but it seems that they hold a good defense and strong military power in higher regard. It wouldn't even surprise me if their government keeps Bin Laden walking so that they have their boogieman to point to.


                    Sounds like the single player isn't great but the multiplayer makes up for it. I am not at all surprised it has sold well. Like some of you say though it may not be there for the long haul.


                      Of course those same Americans also rushed out and brought Heavy Rain as soon as it hit the shelves in surprising high volume. The stereotyped Americans here are the very same who are otherwise stereotyped as the video game censorship brigade, so this particular political vacuum can not suddenly be held responsible for pushing up violent video game sales when the boot conveniently fits. Lets stop attributing baseless American-phobic assertions for the success and accept the far more realistic fact that generic FPS games with reasonable marketing budgets appeal to the mainstream.


                        I wasn't being American-phobic. I was pointing out that *American friends of mine* are like that. So nyur.


                          GameStop have just released the returns figure. Apparently, 374,500 copies have been traded in


                            Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                            yes, that's right. That very unremarkable looking modern combat war game that the forum has been so avidly following has sold like crazy **** in the states.

                            Are we seeing the first signs of COD dying?

                            If something as bland looking at Homefront can sell so well . I wonder how Battlefield 3 will do
                            It does not look bland at all IMO, the single player looks solid, from what ive seen the graphics arent that great but the enviroments are well designed and the gunplay certainly looks up to scratch, hear its got some top draw set peices too.

                            I hear the multiplayer is pretty spectacular on top of that.

                            Not sure what is so suprising about the sales figures. Im getting it tommorow anyway (and I will only be playing single player really for most part as online does not interest me).

                            I could be wrong of course, and it could be bland, we will have to see, but it dosent seem like you ever want to play it, and I dont understand why anyone would consider it bland without doing so really. The only reviews Ive seen of it that are really negative are ones that rate it down for doing nothing new, yet these people said the same thing about COD black ops and gave it 8's and 9's.
                            Last edited by rmoxon; 17-03-2011, 20:01.


                              Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
                              GameStop have just released the returns figure. Apparently, 374,500 copies have been traded in
                              Thats cause its wank!

