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Portable Final Fantasys?

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    Portable Final Fantasys?

    What with the 3DS coming out soon and having just bought Kirby on the Wii and Ghost Trick on the DS as well as searching for a good price to get hold of The World Ends With You and Chrono Trigger, do I really need an FF?

    But it'd be at least good to know which made good ports/remakes. FFIII on the DS is everywhere and cheap but is it any good? Only console ones I've played are 7,8,9 also in order of preference.

    I'm looking for a proper FF not tactics or any other spin off. I don't mind if it's a GBA game.

    I and II on PSP rock.
    Kept you waiting, huh?


      FFV and FFVI on GBA are probably the pinnacle right now.

      V has an awesome job system, and VI is just VI. It's amazing.

      III on DS is pretty dull, really.


        Like TTK says, V and VI GBA are just incredible, although I'm told they're pretty expensive second hand now.

        Final Fantasy IV Complete Collection is out in April for PSP, you get a stylish remake of the original FFIV, the Sequel FFIV: The After Years, and an new 10 hour episode bridging the gap between the two. That would keep you busy for ages, I've been counting its release down for months


          That thing has the ugliest box art I've ever seen


            Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
            That thing has the ugliest box art I've ever seen
            The CG art is awful, for some reason they altered Ceodore's face for the US and EU market too

            The Amano boxart is lovely though, I've always been a huge fan of his work.


              FFIII is a bit clunky, FFIV is much more polished and has a better story.

              Anyhow, I'd wait till you finish Ghost Trick, TWEWY and Chrono Trigger before buying any more. They're all great games and having too many games to choose from in your back catalogue tends to make you less likely to stick with them or get motivated to play them.


                3 and 4 got remade on the DS, I've not played either though.

                1&2 got remade and bundled on the GBA and are quite good. 4,5 and 6 also got ported to the GBA and are very well done I think.


                  III can be forgiven for being average though, granted its age.

                  The GBA versions added a bucket load of new additions. IV, V and VI were all given new translations. New dungeons, items, spells, summons, storylines.

                  IV is easily the most radical when It comes to changes, there are something like eight or nine different versions of it now, and that's not even counting the After Years. The GBA one added some new endgame content, which doesn't feature in the DS version. DS version is based on the SNES one, but adds a new ability system, while GBA the Wonderswan version. The original SNES game didn't allow you to alter your party, you were stuck with the 5 characters the game gave you at the time. Later versions changed this so you could set your party. The PSP one is suppose to be based on the GBA, but without the added endgame dungeon. It's all very confusing.
                  Last edited by Rep; 16-03-2011, 23:50.


                    The DS remake of FF IV is brilliant, one of the best games in the series.

                    FF III feels a bit dated though, even in remake form, the 4th one was the first real classic.
                    Last edited by rmoxon; 17-03-2011, 00:10.


                      My favourite part of that DS version was the cheese-tastic Voice Acting, It was so bad it was good. All the Voice Actors (including Kain) have revised there roles in the Dissidia series, but sadly the acting isn't as crap as it was in the DS version


                        Tactics. On PSP. Awesome game.


                          Originally posted by Stainboy
                          [What with the 3DS coming out soon and having just bought Kirby on the Wii and Ghost Trick on the DS as well as searching for a good price to get hold of The World Ends With You and Chrono Trigger, do I really need an FF?
                          No, play the games you have! Otherwise you never will

                          The portable FFs aren't going anywhere.


                            I love the old FF games. 4 and 6 on the GBA are excellent. Avoid the the US version of 4 and go for the EU one to avoid game breaking bugs. The worst being that the turn order is ignored.
                            I never really got on with the job / tactic style FFs. I prefer the heavily story + character driven ones.


                              I never knew GBA remakes went up to VI that's meant to be the best isn't it?

                              No PSP so that's a no go, sorry should have mentioned.

                              I think the couple of people saying to play the games I have are right though, I'm just in a "MUST HAVE THIS" mood right now. Starting too many games or starting one before finishing one always messes me up, I'm almost done with Ghost Trick so I'll definitely finish that. I think I'll even leave getting Chrono Trigger and TWEWY till I'm done, unless I see them at a good price

                              Apreciate your opinions though guys, you told me stuff was available I didn't know about so I can come back to it when I'm ready! Will probably go with VI on the GBA. I'll get sick of the only game I can afford on the 3DS at some point and there's only so many times you can put AR cards on cats so it'll probably be then

