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Strange Irony In Gaming

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    Strange Irony In Gaming

    I saw a stand up comic a few years ago joking about arcade machines at motorway service stations. He was joking that people driving stop to take a break then go play a driving game to relax.

    I also remember a few years ago gaming at a mates house. He had a chipped xbox and was playing Knights Of The Temple. I noticed it was made by TDK games. When we ejected to play Halo I spotted the pirateer who sold it him had used a TDK blank DVD to burn Knights to.

    Myself and Ploughboy were skanking cheevs on Red Dead. We got to that weird poker one about winning on your last card with a losing hard, saying to each other how hard or how long it might take. It popped for me straight away on the next hand just as we finished discussing it

