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"Why I won't listen to your game idea"

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    Haha, maybe.


      Originally posted by FSW View Post
      Ironically, Peter Molyneaux has spouted so much crap in recent times that I suspect people aren't really interested in his game ideas anymore! Flabio, can't you just get him to make a new Syndicate game to restore him to his former glory? Please?
      Starbreeze and EA are already onto that one.


        As a rule of thumb for Bullfrog stuff: EA own it all. No way they'll let us touch any of it as first party MS...


          Flabio i wasn't meaning you , i meant just if devs come on bigging it up, I'd be more interested in your ideas and just chat about your job. As i stated i hope it didn't offend, if did apologies.


            Writer of that blog comes over as a smug, self-important, know-all c***. So what if people chat informally about game ideas or anything else at parties? Maybe he could be gratified people find his profession interesting enough to have ideas of their own about it. I'm with rmoxon in thinking I'd probably slot the twat.

            Edit: OK I probably wouldn't do that. I'd just shove a tuna vol-au-vent up his nose or something. Do they still have those at parties? Shows last time I went to one...
            Last edited by Golgo; 31-03-2011, 13:43. Reason: gratuitous violence and swearing


              I think everyone has totally missed the point I was trying to make when I posted the link. Which is fair enough.


                I guess there just isn't a nice way of saying that ideas are a dime a dozen.


                  Sorry for missing the point. What was it?


                    The last one in the article is amazing, it really isn't something that would have occurred to me at all. You're safe with me though, my job is to break ideas down not build them.


                      Originally posted by Golgo View Post
                      Sorry for missing the point. What was it?
                      He was asking you for your game ideas, I think.


                        Hearing people's game ideas (or ideas for any other kind of media) is setting yourself up to be sued.

                        Lionhead should do a game that's like Fable 3 but better!

                        *gets his lawyers ready for when they steal his idea for Fable 4!*


                          Ah, maybe you didn't after all. Yay!


                            They could easily get around your IP-theft-in-waiting trap, abigsmurf, simply by making it worse.


                              I made this post under the assumption the blog writer is a woman.

                              I meet you at a party. Or a wedding. Or a bar. Doesn?t matter. Maybe we have mutual friends, or just struck up conversation over some humorous occurrence that we both witnessed. We?ll talk movies, football, the weather, and music. Eventually, you ask what I do for a living.
                              Who the hell has this long kind of conversation and asks about jobs with a total stranger, unless you're trying to convince them to have sex with you?

                              I think the author is missing the point. Since the following line:
                              ?Oh, let me tell you ? I have the best idea for a game.?
                              Is actually code for: fancy a kinky shag, darlin'? Your shackles, or mine?

                              Am I right?


                                Serious question though, regarding game ideas. One of my many lottery fantasies, along with opening a factory making magic crayon coloured trousers, is to bypass all the difficulties and just hire a team to make a vanity game to my exacting specifications. Probably PC because it's open platform, with the idea that maybe it could be ported later.

                                Assuming I slap ?2 million on the table, or however little I can get away with, would a team dance to my merry and deranged tune? Are there teams for hire? Would a bigger developer sub-let one of their divisions for cold hard currency? How much does programmer flesh cost to rent? Is there an infrastructure for such a thing?

