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BloodRayne: Betrayal for PSN and XBLA

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    BloodRayne: Betrayal for PSN and XBLA

    She's back! In 2D

    (Warning, pointless teaser approaching)

    Someone please make a sequel to Nocturne!

    At first I was like hmm 2d bloodrayne could be alright. Then I saw who is developing it, Wayforward studios!
    Instantly sold on it, Wayforward and 2D are fantastic, I have faith.


      At the start of that trailer there's some art which looks very much like the Hellboy comics artwork - if they can do a game like that I'm definitely in!


        First picture of the game with Rayne censored out


          Interesting - hard to tell from one pic but it looks like some effort is being put into this style wise.


            New trailer is out!

            Looks rather like a Castlevania type affair! I'll certainly get the demo and give it a whirl!


              Certainly looks chaotic, they really REALLY need to shrink that health/combo bar stuff.
              Love the bit at the end where she goes into the coffin.


                The music for that trailer is amazing - it's very old skool Castlevania.


                  This one completely passed me by. Liking the art style a lot in this...

                  The developers at Way Forward, veterans of recent 3D remakes and sequels to games like Contra and A Boy and His Blob are turning BloodRayne, a 3D action game series about a sexy lady vampire that launched nine years ago, into a 2D action brawler.


                    I'm apprehensive about this, every game they have released has always looked fantastic but always end up being a major disappointment gameplay wise.


                      One of the things I thought while playing the 3D versions was that it would work so much better as a 2D game. Fingers crossed.


                        Did anyone pick this up?

                        I tried the demo but I didn't like the feel of the character.


                          Tried it, thought it was naff. You have to laugh at the IGN review giving it a 9 "amazing"

                          Actually i'll say why i think its naff. The character control is crap, if you want to see how it should be done, play Outland. So, if the character controls badly, why even play the game. Also, the difficulty is all over the place, music is boring as well. The only good thing is the blood spurting and some of the graphics although plain, look nice. I'm not that impressed with some of the main characters animations either.
                          Last edited by SUMIRE; 10-09-2011, 15:11.


                            Admittedly I only played the first chapter of this, but I thought it was lovely. I found it a bit awkward to play at first too, but once I got used to the controls it played quite fluidly. Have some money in my PSN account so I might well go for a full purchase.


                              I retract my 'lovely" description from earlier, paid for the full game today and it's absolutely brilliant, love it. Like a modern take on Castlevania. (As in the great Dracula-X days) Gorgeous looking, and the more moves you learn the more impressive the control of the main character becomes. Going to enjoy playing this one through, even though i'm frustratingly stuck on a boss battle. That's my fault though, I keep making an arse of it despite knowing what I need to do!

