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What's so good about Earthbound?

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    What's so good about Earthbound?

    What's so good about Earthbound? I'd just like to know, as I've noticed that this game has a pretty big following among US Nintendo fans. I haven't played it before (but I'm willing to check it out, especially if they release the GBA version outside Japan), but I'd like to hear from fans of the SNES game what makes the game so good to them.

    I really don't know much about it...

    Ahh, Earthbound. *smiles*
    I think the main appeal of it is that it's such a refreshing game to play. I picked it up when I was tiring of RPGs, and even though it's got similar mechanics, the way it's executed just gives it that little bit extra.
    Consider, perhaps, the cute graphics, the way you name your favourite food and your pet, healing packs are Hamburgers, you attack your enemies with baseball bats and yoyos, monsters that you defeat become "tame" instead of die...
    It's the sort of adventure that a kid who'd played too many computer games might imagine that he goes on. One that's not entirely out of a computer game, but mixes a bit of fantasy with a bit of reality, and just does it so well.
    It's mechanics are nothing out of the ordinary at all, bar a nice way of dealing with low-level monsters. No random battles, too. But generally, very bog-standard RPG style. It's all in the execution. I'd recommend it heartily.

    PS. It has diagonal walking sprites! Any RPG with diagonal walking sprites has to rock!

    PPS. It's by Nintendo! D00d!


      It's a really a so-so rpg.. But it has this thing.. well actually tons of this thing called charm wich made it a very appealing and joyful experience back in my youth. Kind of 50's americana kitsch style.. well, try it. I can't guarantee you will like it but it brings back some really happy gaming memories for me. I actually replayed it in the beginning of this year and i still like it alot. (it also has really bad-ass starmen making your life hellish)


        I've been playing it on ZSNES lately and it does indeed have a unique quality probably due to its real world setting that sets it apart from the crowd.

        I'm onto the second town now having just beat the big punk chap then destroying the evil policemen squad of hate.

