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Microsoft to open Xbox Live for more broadcasters? (rumour)

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    Microsoft to open Xbox Live for more broadcasters? (rumour)

    Come from an inside MS/XBOX sauce to this site.

    Microsoft will offer broadcasters the opportunity to distribute content via its Xbox games console following a U-turn in its content partnership strategy.

    They basically said

    "So far Sky has been the lone company to offer TV and movie content through Xbox Live, but both 4oD and ITV Player are likely to be made available through the Xbox 360 soon."

    "It is taking a progressive view and opening up the platform to a number of people," said an unnamed insider to Broadcast.

    "Broadcasters are interested in securing a presence on Xbox because they have all seen how well Sky has done from the distribution deal. And there has been an internal shift to making it easier for them to get onto the platform."

    Could come alongside the XBox Live TV (E32011?) service that Conan o'Brien mentioned he was asked to do.

    More partners the better, also they should be for Silver users as well as Gold especially if these services are already Free on PC/PS3/Wii.

    That's good news there.


      They'll never get BBC while they continue to restrict the services to gold members.


        Originally posted by Family Fry View Post
        More partners the better, also they should be for Silver users as well as Gold especially if these services are already Free on PC/PS3/Wii.
        I'm sure that the plans to get iPlayer on 360 hit a standstill when Microsoft said that they would want it exclusive to Gold users - being gold-only causes issues for the Beeb that would not impact ITV/4 etc, so I can see these going ahead and being kept exclusive.


          Yeah Gold Exclusive was the main reason BBC talks brokedown.
          Just didn't know if MS reportedly having an "internal shift" meant they were actually making it happen by adjusting their backward way of getting TV content onto xbox.
          In the end it may just end up being 4OD, ITV, Channel 5 players that move over as gold excluisve features, which does them no favours.

