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Final Fantasy Collection

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    Final Fantasy Collection

    Hi Guys,

    Just wondering if I can gauge the general opinion of the value of my Final Fantasy game collection, I have come to the conclusion, that I just dont think I will ever find the time to play them all, as I am only as far as IX at the moment!

    Anyway, I have this little lot:

    Final Fantasy III (Nintendo DS)
    Final Fantasy Anthology IV & V (PSOne)
    Final Fantasy VI (PSOne)
    Final Fantasy VII (PSOne)
    Final Fantasy VIII (PSOne)
    Final Fantasy IX (PSOne, Sealed)
    Final Fantasy X (PS2)
    Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2)
    Final Fantasy XII (PS2)
    Final Fantasy VIII (PS3)

    All non platinum versions, pretty much in mint condition, including cases and manuals.....

    Anyway, I dont know if I can bring myself to sell these as I have always said to myself that I will complete them, however, this is becoming increasingly unlikely! However, now some of the title are cropping up on the playstation store at ?7.99 a pop, are people still interested in owning originals?

    Do I sell now, or hold off, complete them and sell later...



    If they are PAL I'd say ?10-15 for each of them, they don't hold much value


      Eh? Na people will pay more than that, there is a platinum version of FF9 on eBay sealed at 31quid.
      Some will get that price but they still command a good value.


        Most of the final fantasy titles are not worth much as they are so common. Your best bet is just to keep checking on Ebay to see what each title goes for.

        People are still interested in owning originals...collectors. I personally have kept my PS2 and an old CRT TV as I think retro games looks miles better on it than my HD LCD.


          I dont know the price for certain but FFIX came out at the end of the PS1's lifespan, I would imagine the PAL version is relativley rare for a FF game.

          A sealed one is probabaly worth alot.


            Ebays pricing puts them around...

            FF Anthology ?20-?30
            FF 6 ?20-?30
            FF 7 ?20-?25
            FF 8 ?15-?20
            FF 9 Sealed - highest ebay price recently has been ?65 yet again platinum edition and that was buy it now best offer!

            This is ebay after all and prices are generally all over the shop, I would say the PS1 titles will get you some cashback think the PS2 versions are possibly too common for higher prices.


              I'd buy ff anthology from you at least


                I'm surprised at the price for FF9, especially a platinum release. I've not that long ago sold original copies of FF7 and 8 in good condition for ?10 each :/


                  I'd be interested in 6/VI. My favourite!!!


                    Cheers for all the replies guys, had a quick look on eBay myself, but as stated above, the prices are all a bit up and down! I am liking the FFIX prices though! All versions are PAL by the way. Still undecided on whether or not i'll play them kind of wondering if Ill regret selling them , but they are gathering dust at the moment!


                      My fave was 10


                        I have decided I am going to sell!

                        Would you guys recomend a bulk sell, or individual?



                          How much for 6?


                            I'd sell them separately personally. BTW, I believe FF9 sells for more as a platinum release because it's the only version that works on a UK PS3 (the black label version sold in the UK is coded to Australia or something... works fine on a UK PS1/PS2, but not a PS3).


                              Sell them separately or you'll lose a ton of cash.

