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Slowly selling my collection but what next?

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    Slowly selling my collection but what next?

    So having ummed and aahhhed for a while about it, I've finally sold my PC, NES, SNES, and N64 games. I have to say as well, it was great, just as enjoyable as people told me it would be to get rid of the stuff that I don't have time to play and that takes up a lot of room. It was just some strange attachment that was holding me back.

    In the last year I went back to guitar and music in my spare time and it's been great. I don't live in the UK at the moment and I'm finding a much more vibrant music scene, and a culture where hobbies are really part of life, not something to squeeze in. Finally, there's no time for so many different hobbies, and a conversation with a baseball-card collector made me realize that my video game collection is / was mostly irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

    Having said all that, I'm having trouble knowing where to go next.
    Original Xbox - a few exclusive games, but seeing use via XBMC.
    Dreamcast - just thinking about selling it makes me sad. I always loved the underdog. But at the risk of sounding like a broken record... *repeats the above*
    Gamecube - similar to the Dreamcast - great underdog, lots of unfinished business there.
    Wii - hard to love it that much but a few great games and party potential. Plus the hardware plays my GC games.
    PS2 - have a lot of exclusives, although JRPGs should probably go.
    PS3 - only a few games for it as I prefer to buy last-gen but they are real quality. Plus Rock Band instruments and some unfinished business. Also BC hardware plays my PS2 games.

    What I'm interested to know, is what order would *you* sell these collections in and why?

    (I might just leave it there in the hope that one day I have space for a dedicated home cinema / gaming room. I seem to be blocked again, although as I said, I overcame an original block and don't regret it at all. I think selling the NES, SNES, N64 stuff was okay up to a point, as I mostly see them as too dated to really enjoy, and even though the PC is the best platform, I took the view that I spend enough time on a PC anyway and if I do game in my future, I'd like to do it on the couch, not cooped up in front of the PC.)

    Originally posted by topper View Post
    Finally, there's no time for so many different hobbies, and a conversation with a baseball-card collector made me realize that my video game collection is / was mostly irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
    Do you mean he convinced you of how irrelevant videogame collecting is, in comparison to his relevant baseball card collecting?

    Eitherway, collecting for the sake of a collection in any form is a bad road to go on. If you still enjoy games, buy and play them rather than hoarding them for no reason.
    Last edited by Wools; 13-05-2011, 10:43.


      GC and PS2 look like good candidates.


        All you need out of that is the PS3 and Wii, really.


          I assumed he meant that the baseball card collector convinced him that most types of collecting are irrelevant, which they are IMO.

          To answer the question, getting rid of the Xbox and Gamecube seem like no brainers if you can play those games on other formats.


            Originally posted by topper View Post
            I took the view that I spend enough time on a PC anyway and if I do game in my future, I'd like to do it on the couch, not cooped up in front of the PC.)
            Do what I did, connect your PC to your tv via DVI to HDMI cable, then get yourself a wireless keyboard & mouse. For games that require a pad get the 360 controller (wired or wireless). Then sit back and enjoy your games on the couch.

            It isn't the 90's anymore. Gamers can and do play their PC games through their TV and sitting on the couch while doing so.


              You are right, but I would have to build a gaming PC as I need my current one at a desk for work. Plus the consoles all have exclusives. Most importantly, I just sold all my PC games in a job-lot and I'm ****ed if I'm buying them again. Many of them could be re-bought for my consoles (albeit with lower-res and lack of keyboard/mouse control). I enjoy too many console exclusives to go PC-only.

              In other news, I took the DC out last night, and it was quite enjoyable. So I'm holding on to what I have for now and will review the situation again in a few months. I expect to move flat soon so I might have more room for a dedicated home entertainment area. Currently I'm in a flatshare which is a bit claustrophobic from the material goods point of view.


                People always regret selling Dreamcasts


                  I regretted selling mine and ended up buying another one with most of the stuff I had before and more.


                    Originally posted by Skull Commander View Post
                    I regretted selling mine and ended up buying another one with most of the stuff I had before and more.
                    This. Selling most of my NES and SNES collection several years ago is a mistake I'm still trying to amend. While I do understand that other hobbies can take the lead over videogames, I doubt I will ever sell my collection, even if it ends up largely unused.


                      I've been selling off stuff against recently, but nothing that even resembles a collection. I'm gonna end up with a PSP with cfw, my debug PS2, my GameCube "collection" (30 odd games, lots of nice accessories) and my modern stuff (360+PS3) soon enough though. Mostly because I'll be moving out, but once I'm settled somewhere I'm sure I'll start buying for PC Engine and Neo Geo before long.


                        Think my collection could do with a bit of a trim, lots of average games which you dont really need to own.

