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Half-Minute Hero (XBLA)

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    Half-Minute Hero (XBLA)

    The PSP cult favourite Hero 30, part of a collection of games, will be making its way onto XBLA on June 29th for 800 (?8.50) MS Points. The game will feature a new HD art style, which is also optional.


    ****ing hell, they have basically screwed the whole beauty of the original - the 16-bit style visuals. I'm glad this is only optional, but it's such a travesty they shouldn't allow it.

    If 360 owners are too stupid to appreciate the original's art then they don't deserve to play it. Agh damn, I can unsee what I just saw - my eyes, they bleed!


      Makes you wonder why the game makers felt the need to include such an ugly mode?


        Half Minute Hero South Park edition? That looks terrible but i'm glad you can turn it off Well up for this.


          Originally posted by Sketcz View Post

          ****ing hell, they have basically screwed the whole beauty of the original - the 16-bit style visuals. I'm glad this is only optional, but it's such a travesty they shouldn't allow it.

          If 360 owners are too stupid to appreciate the original's art then they don't deserve to play it. Agh damn, I can unsee what I just saw - my eyes, they bleed!

          But its probably doubled the amount of people who will at least download the trial.

          Casual/fickle gamers would just look at the original screens and mutter WTF! 800 pts, you are having a laugh.


            Originally posted by Super Grover View Post
            But its probably doubled the amount of people who will at least download the trial.

            Casual/fickle gamers would just look at the original screens and mutter WTF! 800 pts, you are having a laugh.
            If that's the case, I take the elitist stance: then they don't deserve to play it and said casual gamers can shove off. Purity or nothing, I say!


              I think if graphic remakes are anything to go by, the majority of the time, those who are familiar with a game will always stick with the original art/visual style. Very much how a lot of feedback on Guardian Heroes regarding the redrawn style is on the negative side of things, but the option is there providing the few who don't mind it have that option.

              Then again, this also leads to whether the extra hours re-designing everything from scratch just for a select few is worth it, and how that budget could have been pushed over to future projects.


                Lol just bought the psp version yesterday after months of 'mmm should I, should I not'.


                  Not that the original was any good in the first place... (yeah, I went there. Got it, can't stand it for some reason)

