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    Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
    I think they will be, just look at the 3 million people that bought a ?500+ iPad 3 just a couple if weeks ago, a device where you can ONLY purchase digitally. I'm sure people will argue the games cost a fraction of the price, but those costs are quickly gaining momentum as the games become more and more expensive to produce. Even then you can see how the Internet is full of whingey tight bastards. The new Angry Birds came out the other day....69p. Every other review is a review complaining they have to pay 69p for DLC levels. It's Hilarious. More and more younger people will be used to purchasing music download only too. It's only going one way.
    Sorry boris you lost me there mate, you think they will be what? Sorry i couldnt tell if you are agreeing or not, your post reads like you are...but the first few lines has me confused. Are you suggesting that people will give up on mainstream gaming, for cheap angry bird type games on ipad? or are you saying that the ipad3 proves that people are embracing the shift to fully DD's?
    Last edited by PaTaito; 30-03-2012, 02:19.


      I'm all for pure DD but at current pricing they're having a laugh. Seriously the pre-owned market is there for a reason, games are over priced as it is and people like bargains. So the bricks and mortar stores and making x amount of pre-owned sales as fair to me. They're exploiting a weak point in the market.

      If MS or Sony want to restrict our buying capability as a consumer they'll have to pay for it in othe ways. Model shift, model change = pricing change. Otherwise they will get a public backlash. A $60 physical title is not the same as a $60 DD. It just isn't the same. Price accordingly or let the market decide.


        Originally posted by PaTaito View Post
        Sorry boris you lost me there mate, you think they will be what? Sorry i couldnt tell if you are agreeing or not, your post reads like you are...but the first few lines has me confused. Are you suggesting that people will give up on mainstream gaming, for cheap angry bird type games on ipad? or are you saying that the ipad3 proves that people are embracing the shift to fully DD's?

        It was late and slightly nonsensical. I was agreeing, people are moving more towards Digital only and it is becoming accepted as the iPhone and kindle prove.

        I think there are quite a few parallels between people claiming game's should be sub ?40 and people clawing games should be 69p or less.


          One other thing to think about is Sony and MS will realise people will be much less likely to switch platforms if games are non tradeable. How many people here have traded games from an existing platform to buy a new one. If you can't do that any more and switching platforms means losing all those games you will be more likely to stick with what you have. This would make being first to market even more critical than usual
          Last edited by davek22; 30-03-2012, 07:25.


            I'm determined to clear - and enjoy - my backlog before upgrading, whenever the next-next-gen arrives. By which time programmers might have got their heads around the systems and started making quality games. Day 1 hardware adoption is just not very attractive for me anymore.


              Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
              It was late and slightly nonsensical. I was agreeing, people are moving more towards Digital only and it is becoming accepted as the iPhone and kindle prove.

              I think there are quite a few parallels between people claiming game's should be sub ?40 and people clawing games should be 69p or less.
              The thing is iPhone games are cheaper. Becuase that's what people will pay. If you want angry birds on any other system then you have to be willing to pay more for it.

              One of the most appealing things about iOS gaming is the fact that it's a cheap hobby, and in fact 80 percent of the games actually end up being free, people like free stuff. I'm sure if 80 percent of PS4 games were free at some point we'd all be happy if it was download only, but that's never likley to happen.

              If games do eventually become digital only it will please many people, but not people like most of us on here. The more hardcore gamers will lose out becuase we want pyhsical copies of games. You basically have a situation where the industry is turning against its most prominent supporters.


                So the market is doomed, the casuals moan at paying 69p for a game then there's no chance that they would even pay 30 odd quid, and who did a poll here and hardcore gamers on this site said they wanted to pay no more than 20 quid for a game.


                  Thirty three people voted in that poll, of whome 12 said they paid ?30 or more for a download title. You really think 33 people is indicative of anything in a business where millions of units are sold?


                    Originally posted by bcass View Post
                    Thirty three people voted in that poll, of whome 12 said they paid ?30 or more for a download title. You really think 33 people is indicative of anything in a business where millions of units are sold?
                    Yup even more so again for the reasons stated above, so about 1/3 of hardcore gamers here, and i'd say most people here are passionate about gaming and buying and playing new games, so a lot answered that they have paid that or would, if dev and publishers want to chase the casual market let them i say, roll on the crash then , get rid of some bad rubbish.


                      Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                      If games do eventually become digital only it will please many people, but not people like most of us on here. The more hardcore gamers will lose out becuase we want pyhsical copies of games. You basically have a situation where the industry is turning against its most prominent supporters.
                      Really .. Most 'core' gamers want physical copies?? Other than a minority (and it is a minority compared to the rest of the gaming world) of views on this forum, which admitidly is made mostly up of core gamers, what exactly are you basing that view on? ... I would have thought most core gamers would play games regardless of how they get delivered. Otherwise you cant really call yourself a 'core' gamer.

                      That's like saying your a ''core' music listener who stopped listening to music after vinyl stopped being produced.

                      If you are 'core' then you support the industry regardless short getting completley ripped off by said industry.


                        Originally posted by MisterBubbles View Post
                        Yup even more so again for the reasons stated above, so about 1/3 of hardcore gamers here, and i'd say most people here are passionate about gaming and buying and playing new games, so a lot answered that they have paid that or would, if dev and publishers want to chase the casual market let them i say, roll on the crash then , get rid of some bad rubbish.
                        Sorry to break the bad news, but those 33 people are indicative of nothing more than the tiny number of hardcore gamers who frequent this forum.


                          Loosely however, sales figures of physical games are quite healthy, down sure but then we're several years in a recession and late in a drawn out generation so I don't know what people are expecting. Digital sales are up but then it's an emerging market so they would be. With a imminent digital future I think people just see what they want to see rather than the reality of the situation.


                            The no-used-games rumour was around with the PS3, Vita(I think), next-gen Xbox and now PS4?

                            Even if it turns out to be true, I don't expect the games to drop in price. Why would they? Especially if both MS and Sony decide to do the same thing, which means people won't even bother switching consoles.

                            I do like the idea that I can buy a boxed PS4 game and then have it tied to my PSN account so if, for example, I go on holiday somewhere and forget the disc, I can just download it on the PS4(or download it back at home so it stays on the console). Even better, this would mean I can install all my games completely like I did with the 360 and take advantage of the hdd(although I expect the BR read speed will be pretty decent with the PS4 but I find). Granted, I can do that right now buy just buying PS3 games on PSN but doing it that way means no disc at all.


                              But the disc is worthless the second you use it isn't it? All you're doing is saving a download. I suppose you might get the disc version cheaper than the download but other than that you may as well just get it off PSN? Like that time when I (oh here we go again!) bought Skyrim on DVD for PC, put it in my DVD drive, Steam kicked in and started downloading it rather than installing from the disc and then I had to put my steam key in. Why was the disc even there? It's worthless. Ok, there's a fake cloth map in there but that's it.


                                Originally posted by bcass View Post
                                Sorry to break the bad news, but those 33 people are indicative of nothing more than the tiny number of hardcore gamers who frequent this forum.
                                Not sure what you're saying here. Are you saying that only a tiny number of people who visit here are hardcore gamers? Or, that there are a tiny number of hardcore gamers throughout the world? If it's either of those then you really couldn't be more wrong. If it's something else then please explain! :-)

