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If you could only be good at one genre...

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    If you could only be good at one genre...

    ... what would it be?

    You can play other genres if you want, but you're really rubbish at them. This genre, though, you're absolutely at the top of your game.

    For me, it'd be shmups. I don't think there's anything more impressive in gaming than watching a really decent shmup player at work. It's one genre I play a bit, too, and never ever get any better at, but man, how I'd love to be good at them.

    I'd like to be so awesome at FPS's I could make a living from it, of course, that's without any practice or dedication.


      Rhythm, although it is too broad a genre to lump together so the subset would be dance.

      The Kinect or an advanced trackpad interface preferred over the traditional four/eight button layout. Just as long as it had the arcadey score/chain system. The physicality trumps all other forms of gameplay apart from action puzzle games (when you are good at them).


        Fighting games. There more social than other types of games due to their arcade roots and offline nature. The atmosphere at tournaments is like nothing else in gaming and it'd be great to be one of the major players and get that respect from your competitors.

        I think any deep competitive game though that pits you against another human player is the ultimate test of skill and to win at them I find is more rewarding.


          I change my choice, I think the future of competitive gaming is in the Hidden Item Genre. This is where I want to excel


            I don't know that I want to be good at them, but I would probably play a lot more strategy games if I were. I usually get a little way into them and capitulate due to uselessness on my part.


              Originally posted by Bort View Post
              Rhythm, although it is too broad a genre to lump together so the subset would be dance.
              Actually, yeah, that's a pretty good choice. I mean, being truly awesome at drums on Rock Band would probably make you good enough to be a drummer. Being a drummer would be ace.


                Fighting games, I hate when I lose and love it when I win. Have to agree with Shoju, I have gotten family and friends into SSF4 and we enjoy it alot


                  This is a difficult choice between fighters and shooters for sure. hmm. I think fighters I guess.


                    Like Kern it's a difficult choice for me between the Fighters & Shooters I love both & suck eqaully at both.

                    Shooters look amazing when you watch god like players in superplay Vids

                    Fighters are amazing for Tournament atmosphere & social fun.

                    I reckon I'll go fighters just so you can wow crowds at Tournies.

                    Being amazing at shooters only really impresses other shooter fans that understand the skill wherea everyone can appreciate a world class fighter player



                      Probably fighting games again, because compared to my younger days, I absolutely suck on them now. I miss playing friends (in the same room) for hours and hours. Also no real arcade scene where I live. Otherwise it would probably be shootemups like others, or the old platform action games like Shadow Dancer (friend was like a robot on that), Shinobi, Rolling Thunder etc etc.


                        If you were great at fighting games kotaku could post something you said like:

                        daigo said (yes THAT daigo (hyperlink to 3s parry video people have seen 10,000 times) ), said he liked cabbages recently. ..


                          Football games.

                          I don't follow football. I don't even know what league the various teams are in, who the managers are or who the players are. All my friends know this. So, it'd be funny if every time I played them at FIFA or whatever I won.

                          Really though I'd like to be awesome at shmups.


                            Beat 'em ups.

                            Playing against a human opponent, and having the skills to dominate them, ala a top tier player (Diago et al) for me.

                            I'm not sure what genre would be the harder to master, beat 'em ups or shmups, but I think the nature of fighters is a far better spectacle to watch, as opposed to bullet hell navigation (tho' I certainly appreciate the skill players have who waltz to the end of game, or as a mad example, some gamers who can play 2 player Ikaruga by themselves! ).


                              Originally posted by FSW View Post
                              Football games.

                              I don't follow football. I don't even know what league the various teams are in, who the managers are or who the players are. All my friends know this. So, it'd be funny if every time I played them at FIFA or whatever I won.
                              I'm in the same boat. While my sports interested friends are generally poor at games, they own my ass in every football game, cause FIFA is the only game they ever play. Some of them are real jerks about it too, giving me tips while I'm losing, or yelling "WHAT A GOOOOAAAAL!" when they score a - to my eyes - average goal.

