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An Apology (of sorts)

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    An Apology (of sorts)

    I hate E3 week. I've been a games coder since I graduated in 1998, and there hasn't been an E3 since that I've enjoyed.

    On the one hand, I'm like everyone else here. I'm a gamer, of the more hardcore end of the spectrum. I love seeing new cool games announced. I love playing games that other people hate as much as I love playing popular games.

    But when something I'm actually working on is at E3, it burns me up in ways you can probably imagine. I have to work through horrendous cognitive dissonance. After all, how can I sit and mock a game showing poorly when everyone else is mocking the thing I'm pouring all my own working hours into?

    It's bloody hard, and it turns me into a seriously touchy git of a man.

    Our presentation is out the way now, so I hope I'll lighten up a bit now.

    (You're still all wrong about pre-owned though )
    Last edited by Flabio; 06-06-2011, 23:32.

    Apology accepted. Don't let it happen again

    But seriously, it's just the wrong time to try and show your game. There was no way to express what the hell it was in that amount of time under those conditions, so the "what the hell is it?" reactions are pretty expected, which is obviously going to lead to "it looks no good" because nobody knows what it is. If you'd have made a rubbish FPS, at least everyone would have some expectations and be looking for certain stuff so you can maybe get away with a couple of minutes of play. It was never going to work, really.


      Wouldn't worry about it. Some peeps are just set in thier ways and will never be converted or ever feel the need to be, ain't nowt wrong with that. Proof of the pudding is in the playing and at the end of the day it's only a highlights show, true test is when people pay ?25 quid for it second hand to play it and enjoy it


        The Ignore list exist for a reason. Makes this place pleasant again.

        It's just a shame that it has become a necessary feature in the past year or two.


          All is forgiven? Is there even anything that needs forgiving? You were never on my ignore list anyway.

          Can you say which game? Is it an NDA thing? Do you want to remain anonymous due its very nature? As a coder, do you feel computers can ever develop sentient AI? Is your office environment casual? If a colleague walked in wearing shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, could they get away with it? Does the office have skimmed milk in the staff fridge for the weight conscious? What can you see directly outside your office window? Is it a camel in a hat reading a newspaper?


            I assume you're on Fable: The Journey?

            I really liked the look of that and all the Kinect games. I was very glad to own a Kinect coming out of the conference. Having worked with Kinect I was impressed with what the game does.

            I'll be there day 1!


              The problem Kinect has is spatial movement. Nearly all the Kinect games were simply on rails with, at best, a gesture to surge forward. Most people, myself included, just don't think that's good enough.

              If I were doing an on-rails thing such as that I'm not sure Fable would be my starting point. It seems to me that it's the type of gameplay that makes Fable a success, not the world that surrounds it. But then I dislike fantasy.


                Originally posted by monomaniacpat View Post
                The problem Kinect has is spatial movement.
                How very dare you!

                I resent my moving about being blamed for problems with MS's new approach to gaming






                      Originally posted by Flabio View Post
                      I hate E3 week. I've been a games coder since I graduated in 1998, and there hasn't been an E3 since that I've enjoyed.

                      On the one hand, I'm like everyone else here. I'm a gamer, of the more hardcore end of the spectrum. I love seeing new cool games announced. I love playing games that other people hate as much as I love playing popular games.

                      But when something I'm actually working on is at E3, it burns me up in ways you can probably imagine. I have to work through horrendous cognitive dissonance. After all, how can I sit and mock a game showing poorly when everyone else is mocking the thing I'm pouring all my own working hours into?

                      It's bloody hard, and it turns me into a seriously touchy git of a man.

                      Our presentation is out the way now, so I hope I'll lighten up a bit now.

                      (You're still all wrong about pre-owned though )
                      You have to remember that this forum is a very small number of who will actually see your product.
                      I'm pretty sure there are millions out there who may actually enjoy it.
                      You are going to get criticism in every thing you do simply because some will like it, and others wont.


                        It just seemed like that for a few days every time I posted anything someone would immediately reply having a go.

                        Probably wasn't *actually* like that, it just felt like it. So I went off in a strop


                          Originally posted by Flabio View Post
                          It just seemed like that for a few days every time I posted anything someone would immediately reply having a go.

                          Probably wasn't *actually* like that, it just felt like it. So I went off in a strop
                          mate if I worked in software and read some of the ****e posted round here in recent days I'd be in a strop whether I was in a game show crunch or not.

                          don't feel the need to apologise for anything.


                            ^ I have to work in a highly critical/backstabbing/carping field as well. I suggest you do as I (try to) do...breathe in and come to rely on failure as if it were your oxygen. Makes criticism easier to take.


                              Exactly as others have said, even if the game isn't liked it doesn't lessen the effort made for the title. If it is indeed the game mentioned then the main issues will be Kinect which increasingly seems to have not met gaming expectations and the expectations people have of a game in the world your making for whom the E3 showing displayed a game that likely isn't for them. It's the newer audience that will decide it's fate, the very audience who won't have been watching the show. The rest of us will still be here come the next installment

