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Nintendo E3 Press Conference 07/06/11 5PM UK Time , 9AM Local Time

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    Nintendo E3 Press Conference 07/06/11 5PM UK Time , 9AM Local Time

    It's the big event, After a Kinect focused MS showing and a Sony conference with some neat info and trailers (but few new games), Nintendo will have a lot to show and this E3 is their's for the taking

    What to expect:

    Unveiling and naming of the Cafe/Stream/Nintendo/Electric boogaloo
    Big focus on the new controller
    New Online from a well known provider
    No price for the console (they never give out the price when unveiling)
    Videos of people in bare white rooms playing games, getting far too excited
    Big policy change at Nintendo with a strong focus on third party
    Mario 3DS
    A ramping up of 3DS efforts from all companies
    Zelda Skyward Sword Story trailer
    A handful of Wii titles to slow its demise (RPGs getting localised).


    Finished now!


    The Wii U

    It's a new controller! The Controller has a 6.3" touch screen and looks like a tablet with wii style buttons. There was presumably a new console to go with this but Nintendo didn't even mention it. Really odd. Game reel showed lots of current gen games coming out for the consoles, nothing original, no graphics on display that looked better than 360 or PS3.

    Nintendo had no Wii U games to show, only tech demos.

    Smash bros Wii U and 3DS announced

    Luigi's Mansion 2 3DS announced.

    Tekken 3DS announced.

    Ace Combat 3DS shown for the first time.

    Super Mario 3DS shown (fixed camera, 3D gameplay)

    Kid Icarus has a multiplayer mode.

    Mario Kart 3DS to have gliders, underwater and customisable karts.

    Zelda 4 swords announced as a DSi freebie

    Links Awakening on e-store today.

    Worldwide Zelda orchestra tour

    Lego Cities Stories : the first, and only original Wii U title unveiled

    Worldwide Zelda orchestra tour
    Last edited by abigsmurf; 07-06-2011, 17:27.

    Videos of people in bare white rooms playing games, getting far too excited
    Don't forget sad people with black boxes on their eyes.


      How do Nintendo keep secrets so well? By this time we already knew every surprise in the Sony and MS conferences and yet the most interesting thing about E3, Nintendo's new controller, we've still got no idea!


        They could really do with clearing up the 3DS's RRP. It's all well and good letting retailers put cheaper prices on it but that's a really hard message to convey to consumers who don't know if they're paying a good price or not. If anything the 3DS needs to be the star of this show. As a side matter away from the new system, I'm interested to see what they have lined up for the Wii at it's last christmas beyond the MIA Zelda and that new Kirby they revealed not long ago.

        Netbook on CHARGE


          I'm expecting big things from this.

          Come on Nintendo, save E3 2011 for us!


            Modest request from me, please Nintendo: confirmation of Metroid Prime Trilogy on your Wii budget reissue range. That's all I want. Oh, and Dragon Quest 10.


              Haven't kept in with E3 this year (partially as I've had/have exams from last week to next week) but I'll be in to watch this one. Would love to see a Pikmin 3DS, in fact, I'd love to see anything 3DS that I want as the only use it gets currently is to play Pokemon Silver.

              Roll on 5PM!




                  I'll be happy with just a few good 3DS game announcements. For 2011. None of this 2012/13 business. They have a nice little machine on their hands so they just need the games out now.


                    They need rather desperately to show off something to sell 3DS.

                    One thing I forgot to mention in the OP: it's confirmed there will be an unannounced Zelda on show.


                      Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                      I'll be happy with just a few good 3DS game announcements. For 2011. None of this 2012/13 business. They have a nice little machine on their hands so they just need the games out now.
                      Agreed. And preferably not at the end of Q4 either but something for the summer. Not being a fan of OOT that only leaves Starfox in July, neither of which are actually "new" games anyway...

                      I want to play my 3DS, I really do but Nintendo aren't making it easy!


                        Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                        it's confirmed there will be an unannounced Zelda on show.
                        4 Swords for whatever social/each person with their own screen-thingy controller social nonsense they've got up their sleeves. I'm calling it.


                          looking forward to seeing this cafe thingy. i'm assuming the controller is basically going to look like a vita. cant wait to be blown away!

                          apart from that they need to set a date for skyward sword, and make it soon.
                          and they really have to get a ton of stuff on the 3DS quick smart too. the only thing i was interested in was snake eater, but thats pointless now. with the vita pricepoint, they're going to have a proper battle on their hands if they arent careful.

                          should be exciting


                            Well I'm pumped. Doesn't start till 2AM here, but I've got the heater going and some caffeine to keep me awake. Bring on the megatons!!


                              Excited! ♥

                              Still haven't stopped hoping for The Last Story & Pandora's Tower in EU.

