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Retro Studios working on Mario Kart 3DS

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    Retro Studios working on Mario Kart 3DS

    Explains why it looks so awesome then, could also add fuel to the fire that they are working on Zelda for Wii-U

    Luigi's Mansion 2 is also being developed by a Western team, Next Level, who did Mario Strikers and Punch Out Wii.


      Well, they need to stop that right now and start making me another Metroid.


        Well if they're making a Metroid for FSW, I'm sure it wouldn't be too much trouble to do one for me too. You know, while they're at it.


          While they are at it they could make me a 3DS sequel to Donkey Kong Returns, so I can play a new DKC game that doesnt have silly waggle controls in it.


            Nintendo said that that Retro were working on an old classic franchise that would get fans excited. Was hoping we'd see that this show.

            Didn't really take that to mean that they were doing a few odd jobs in Mario Kart with another developer doing the grunt work.


              They are? That's disappointing, MK3DS looks decent but still too much like the recent weaker entries. Oh well...


                it will sell tons and I'll doubtless buy it but I hope they've been taking a long hard look at Modnation Racers because that raised the bar on kart handling and sheer depth of gameplay. I know you won't get all the user content stuff with this and it will shift millions with 20 simple tracks in the usual locales but be nice if they pushed things on a bit from that.


                  The news comes from the first Nintendo Roundtable.

                  Miyamoto said Retro were helping out making tracks for it (and other things. I haven't seen a detailed report to say whether the other things were to do with MK or other games.) whilst an internal group were developing the game.


                    If Retro are helping with the tracks how can the biggest error still be around? Narrow those track widths! I'm racing a kart, not landing an airliner

