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the book of shooters old and new testiments

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    the book of shooters old and new testiments

    I find it really strange that games seem to have new rules attached to them at seemingly random points in console and pc life cycles, its like there's some sort of game dev rule book you have to abide by with new rules thrown in at random. I started imagining what this hallowed text might be like. here are a few exerts/insane ramblings.

    The book of fps

    And the game dev king looked out across the land and he saw that gears of halo warfare was good and he decreed that only two weapons shall Ye carry, yet bullets shall be as bountiful as the blades of grass in The meadow.

    From the space marine in the sky to the man in the war torn trenches, bullet wounds shall be healed by waiting about in the corner a bit, and it is said that holding in the left trigger will zoom you in a bit and greatly improve your accuracy.

    it is also said that points, skills and merits shall be lavished upon the most dedicated interweb players creating much pouting and posturing, casting balance asunder.
    Last edited by Lebowski; 10-06-2011, 13:34.

    Lol, very good. Other genres?


      You carry three weapons in Gears. Just saying like.


        Lol ok gears has 3, It was the duke first play thread that got me thinking about this as it uses the limited weapons rule which seems very out of place for the style of game its like they have been forced into useing it, maybe there's some sort of gaming unionists that strong arms features into games.
        Last edited by Lebowski; 10-06-2011, 14:11.


          It's also not an FPS. Amusing though, seems regenning health is crammed into everything these days regardless of merit.


            Regen health is why Mario is t3h Hardcore. 3 hits puts that dude down

