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Nintendo Wii U

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    I want to glow. ;_;


      Originally posted by Miguel007 View Post
      Updated pic of controller, I think it looks brilliant and can't wait to get my hands on it! Buttons look as if they are straight from the Classic Controller on the Wii, which is one of my fave controllers.
      Thank god for proper analogue sticks ... Ninty might actually be listening for once. The screen will almost certainly be resistive and pretty crap however they do need to keep the costs down. Nobody is expecting it to be a IPS iPad killer screen with gorilla glass. Being relistic here ...

      I actually think it will probably work fine for long use, as long as the shoulder buttons are in the right place it should be fine. Can't be any worse than a Dual Shock.


        Originally posted by originalbadboy View Post
        Thank god for proper analogue sticks ... Ninty might actually be listening for once. The screen will almost certainly be resistive and pretty crap however they do need to keep the costs down. Nobody is expecting it to be a IPS iPad killer screen with gorilla glass. Being relistic here ...

        I actually think it will probably work fine for long use, as long as the shoulder buttons are in the right place it should be fine. Can't be any worse than a Dual Shock.
        How can't it be worse than a Dual Shock it's the size of a PS3 I just hope it releases with normal pad support too don't want to feel like I'm carrying round a chopping board all day


          Size wise the whole controller looks about the size of an ipad (recent version, whatever number that is) so will be interesting to see how this works with the weight and extended lengths of gaming.
          My brother got an ipad this week and we got talking about where they would go next and I suggested that if they put a d-pad/stick and a couple of buttons on it they would cater more to the gaming crowd - which then reminded me of the WiiU controller and how this is most likely the next step.


            Yup, for anyone happy to endure the crapness of playing and holding an ipad at the same time the WiiU controller should feel like a revelation


              Christ that controller looks awful, cheap plastic looking. Unless the screen is around 720p+ res and some type of OLED . . . . .


                Looks totally fine to me.


                  Originally posted by Miguel007 View Post
                  Updated pic of controller, I think it looks brilliant and can't wait to get my hands on it! Buttons look as if they are straight from the Classic Controller on the Wii, which is one of my fave controllers.

                  Updated controller looks interesting, not sure how much this monster will cost 50-100 quid!? Possible 3DS lite nub changes. At a loss as to why they are not using the 3DS nubs were changed.


                    I love the 3DS nubs but on a full console proper stick are better. I find the 3DS nub so comfy for portable use.


                      Yeah and they're great for Super Mario 64 DS


                        If the screen is good enough to make all the games look nice in HD ill be happy. It really does need to be lighter than a iPad though otherwise ill be taking constant breaks for the 1st time ever as advised! lol

                        I just hope we get some killer apps in the launch lineup as its not doing it for me atm. Controller seems really interesting though and its whats holding my attention. Being able to swap from TV > Pad could be really cool


                          Gearbox once again say that the WiiU version will be the best looking due to it being a "powerful, powerful machine" with more modern tech.


                            Do you think Gearbox will release Borderlands 2 on the Wii U as well? I haven't seen it announced any where but both the release dates are around the same time.


                              Got a feeling that one won't make it, they'll likely see how Aliens does


                                using the sccreen on the wii u pad as the motion tracker in aliens might be quite a nice feature.

