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I must have the touch of death

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    I must have the touch of death

    Because all of my consoles are dieing on me. First my NES started giving me flashing lights so I did the standard fix and now it won't power up. Last night I turned on my DC, the power led came on but no picture showed on the telly. I made sure everything is properly screwed in...etc but the best I can manage is a very blue tinted screen before it goes off again. I just turned on my PS3, I don't even use it that much outside of PSN/PS1/PS2 games but even this is giving up the ghost! I hear sound but get no picture, I powered it off/on and waited for it to beep a few times to try and reset the video settings but I still get no picture. I hooked it up to my TFT monitor and I just get a black screen, HDMI is not auto detected and I don't get the on screen message saying nothing is connected.

    Maybe I'm just having a string of bad luck, the DC's been on its last legs for a while so that was kind of expected but still... it feels I'm pissing money away here, especially with the PS3, I only bought it a couple of years ago

    New hardware, meaning the PS3 and the 360, is alot more likley to die on you than older consoles. I think its to do with the fact that they are always on the verge of overheating about 5 minutes after you have turned them on. Despite your Nes situation you'll also find that older consoles last longer becuase they are cartridge based, they dont rely on things like DVD drives and Hard drives, most of the important stuff was actualy in the cartridge.

    Unfortunatley modern technology is just alot less stable than the older stuff... I hate to think what its gonna be like in the future when we all have robotic slaves in our houses.


      The NES was probably just a freak occurrence, I've done the fix before with no issues. It's just the fact the they all happened in such a small time frame that gets me.

      I seriously hope Sony and MS put more effort into making their next systems a tad more durable...


        If you still have the ps3 scart lead try connecting that, and also try turning it on and off a few times (including at the plug). I had the same problem with my 60gb and after about 20 goes the picture finally came back.


          It was already hooked up via scart mate. I also tried some composite, svideo and hdmi cables, turned it on and off god knows how many times and tried resetting the video settings but no joy sadly.

          I'll give it another try tomorrow but I don't expect anything to change unfortunately.

