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Recommend me some JRPGs for PS3

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    I wish Atlus would bless us with a new proper Shin Megami Tensei game, there's few things gaming wise that could make me happier.


      What about the Penny Arcade games as a recommendation for the PS3? They won't change the world, but they're funny and I enjoyed playing 'em.


        Originally posted by Sane View Post
        I wish Atlus would bless us with a new proper Shin Megami Tensei game, there's few things gaming wise that could make me happier.
        It's a near certainty that Atlus will be showing off Persona 5 at TGS and they've got Devil Survivor 2 coming out (as well as the embarassing 3D-less 'remake' of the first one for the 3DS). Devil Survivor and Strange Journey are both solid RPGs.


          Yeah, but I don't have any handhelds unfortunately. Also, the Persona games are cool but my heart lies with games like Nocturne, that was pretty much my favourite PS2 RPG, and that's saying a lot.


            Just thought I'd say I picked up Valkyria Chronicles and it just does not sit right with me. I didn't get really engaged in it.
            I think I'm going to replay Lunar on the PSP, not played that since I last replayed my copy for the PS1 from Working Designs about 5 years ago.

            I don't seem to be able to find cheap copies of Atelier or Hyperdimension so I think I'll pass for now on current ones. It's funny how I'm looking forward to a Wii JRPG (Xenoblade) so much, never thought I'd see the day...

            Thanks for everyone's recommendations though.


              Originally posted by elaniel View Post
              Just thought I'd say I picked up Valkyria Chronicles and it just does not sit right with me.
              You are dead to me now. Hehe.


                I did give it a few hours, it just wasn't my thing. It may be because I'm in traditional JRPG mode where I just want that style.


                  Cheapest in-stock I found for Atelier Rorona is the game seems to be getting increasingly hard to find.

                  ?22 inc. delivery (be careful at checkout, they try to get you to sign onto some pay services)


                    Or, a bit cheeky, but if you're interested I'll trade you Valkyria and a tenner for Rorona.

                    I've no idea whether to sell Rorona or keep hold of it in case its value goes crazy. It seems to be getting rare


                      I just returned it to GAME this morning, so can't do a trade sorry. Can't really afford it after I went on a bit of a spending spree yesterday. Sorry buddy, but cheers for the offer.


                        Originally posted by elaniel View Post
                        Just to say I am not a huge fan of SRPG's so games like Valkyria Chronicles would probably be a pass for me.
                        I wasn't a big fan of strategy RPGs either, but Val Chronicles convinced me of their charms - I finished it twice, did everything, and then bought the sequel (which was a bit rubbish compared).

                        VC is, I think maybe, cheap enough to warrant a go. You have direct control over your characters, so the classification of SRPG is a but misleading I think. It might convert you like it did me. Still my favourite game on the system.

                        As for more traditional RPG stylings:

                        Ryu ga Gotoku: KENZAN - typical JRPG except the random battles are played out as real-time sword fights. It's ggot all the JRPG trappings set in a medieval Japan world. ****ing brilliant.

                        Yakuza 3 - not the best in the series, but still damn good. All the usual JRPG trappings, like equipment, gear, and side-quests, set in present-day Japan with the random battles being real-time fights.

                        Yakuza 4 - one of the best in the series. Get this if you don't get Yakuza 3.

                        Way of the Samurai 3 - imagine an action JRPG that's between 30min to 5 hours long and has over 20 endings. It's like Groundhog's Day except instead of Billy Murray you're a Samurai doing quests and joining factions. Stats and gear carry on between games. I loved it, people who are wrong didn't like it.

                        Red Seeds Profile - Is this an RPG? See the Deadly Premonition topic to read views. It scored between 2 and 11 out of 10 on various websites. Technically it's more like a survival horror adventure RPG without stats. I dunno. Everyone should play it. Everyone.

                        For something more like a pure action JRPG, get Demon's Souls. It's more of a dungeon crawler, with elements of Rogue-likes (sort of not really), but if you like straight up RPG action and levelling in some precisely designed and architecturally brilliant levels, this is for you. Choose a class and go slay some demons/dragons/knights.

                        Should have read the whole topic properly! Turns out you already bought Val Chron!
                        Last edited by Sketcz; 07-07-2011, 21:10.


                          Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
                          I've no idea whether to sell Rorona or keep hold of it in case its value goes crazy. It seems to be getting rare
                          It may not become that rare yet, if it becomes harder to find like Trinity Universe, NiS will just have extra copies produced along with whatever game they next release. Same thing happened when Hyperdimension came out, suddenly a lot of extra Trinity Universe's appeared at the same time.


                            Well my JRPG withdrawal has hit its peak. I've just been on the Playstation Store and bought every JRPG available that I don't already own from the PSOne Classics section. Should hold me over until Xenoblade

                            Funnily enough like 10 games only cost me $60. Such a bargain for them.


                              It is value when you consider the amount of gameplay hours you have for that $60.


                                I couldn't even imagine. No doubt i would end up not playing half of them, but still nice to have them there. Glad the PSN is there as searching for some of them would get expensive (and I wouldn't have bothered)

