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Gallop Racer series - is there a "point"?

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    Gallop Racer series - is there a "point"?

    I started playing GR 2004 last night after some beers, thinking it would be a joke. 20 races later, my eyes glazed over somewhat and I had to tear myself away.

    However, is there a "point" to the game, in terms of a definite target? Is there a way to "complete" it? Or is it more like a Football Manager type of thing, where you go on and on like a drug addict, and win things, but there's not a point at which the game is completed?

    Right now I'm more into games where I know it's completed and I can move on, but this is one addictive sucker.

    I use to love the series as well. Gave up after the PS1 version but holds fond memories. Just about winning races and developing horses. Wish they would translate and release for portables.

    Maybe they'll release on XB360 with Kinect


      This is on the wii yeah? Been tempted by it a few times to see what its about but its always with all the shovelware crap on the console so that puts me off.


        Buy the wii one and have your missus use the motion controls... there's the point

