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Snatcher Sequel?

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    Snatcher Sequel?

    Kojima just tweeted this:

    Checking "Hide Radio #296" and "Talking about SNATCHER(sequel)" will be released this weekend. From act2 to ending. 70mins in total. Long.

    Something lost in translation or confirmation of a sequel?

    Would be cool, but I'm not holding my breath for a sequel really.


      I'd love to see a Snatcher sequel but I must say I don't particularly like Kojima's recent games so it's better not to have one than sitting through hours-long cutscenes.


        I think part of Snatcher's charm was also the localiser behind it - Jeremy Blaustein did an outstanding job along with his translator Scott and the group of actors they found.


          Probably a sequel to the original 'talking about Snatcher'.


            There was a Snatcher 2 poster in the background of one of the dev offices in an E3 vid but that could've just been Kojima trolling.


              Isn't 'Project S' still happening with Kojima and Suda 51?


                Wouldn't surprise me at all if Project S became a Vita title, that's if it's even still going.
                Project S has been on the backburner since 2007, sheesh.


                  I'd buy a console just for this.


                    It really wouldn't surprise me if this was the Kojima title that was cancelled a month or so ago and he was annoyed. Unless they were desperate to keep him as a developer I couldn't see Konami signing this off. With his current split duties across 3-4 titles as it is I'd be a amazed if this is real.


                      I thought that tweet was all to do with his transfarring idea clashing with Sony's own HD psp classics thingy.
                      Sony announced some psp games in HD for ps3 then they announced transfarring a week later.


                        What genre of game would it nowadays? A much as I loved playing Snatcher I can't remember how it played, part (very basic) point and click part (very basic) lightgun game is all I can recall.

                        All I can recall is that it was a rip off of / homage to bladerunner.

                        If they were to do it , an LA Noir style detective game would be cool, but set in a grotty sci-fi city


                          Originally posted by Boris View Post
                          If they were to do it , an LA Noir style detective game would be cool, but set in a grotty sci-fi city
                          Something like L.A. Noire could work. They would never make a text-based adventure game in this day and age, but a 3rd person adventure game with shooting and maybe some driving bits etc. mixed in could work very well. I hope Deus Ex 3 will at least partially do this, although it will most likely be pretty shooter/action focused.
                          Last edited by Guts; 06-07-2011, 20:59.



                            Boom! Snatcher officially announced!

                            And it's a Radio Play! Only in Japan! And it's the Suda 51 collaboration!

                            Fanbase FAIL


                              When 'Project S' was first announced, didn't they say a radio drama would be the first product of a Snatcher reboot/sequel? I'm hoping a game will follow soon.

