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People buy this stuff \o/

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    People buy this stuff \o/

    Was in Game on Tuesday or Wednesday. Kid picked this up, went to the til and actually paid ?20 for it:

    Anyone else seen any shocking purchases?

    Bloody hell! This looks like it's running on the Frostbite engine!

    Last edited by Brad; 22-07-2011, 14:53.

    Could've been buying it as an ironic pisstake gift for someone...


      The guy buying it was about 20, in there with his mum and reminded me of Andy Pipkin from Little Britain. I don't think irony was involved. He had some of the others already from what I could hear e.g. Garbage Collection simulator.
      Last edited by Brad; 22-07-2011, 14:57.


        Fair enough, if the chap enjoys them then so be it. I buy the Dynasty Warriors games and I suspect people think similar things about me when I go to the till with them


          I'm tempted to get the demo (I believe there is one). The system reqs are quite high e.g. dual core cpu and it looks quite nice. It was a total stereotype moment in the shop though. The youtube links on their website carry a warning:

          "German text may appear on screen"

          Which I found amusing. Almost suggesting that some viewers may be offended.


            Some German kid went nuts in work when he saw Truck Driving Simulator. I got talking to his mum who assured me that, yes, he already knew it was about long haul deliveries across the country and parts of Europe. Still, if he's happy...

            There's also this, AKA Shenmue: Gaiden:


              Awesome, I want these games on the 360. Gotta be better than duke nukem me thinks


                Can you go on a GTA style ramage and start cleaning up pedestrians?

                Never seen anyone buying something funny like this, but have seen people pay INSANE prices for things before... There was a guy queuing in HMV before Christmas who had a Kinect and virtually all the games in a big pile in his arms. Must have had like ?500 worth of stuff!


                  That looks freakin amazing* They both do. Gameplay vids though please.


                    Gameplay video review: SOME NSFW LANGUAGE!!

                    The physics are turned up a little too high!
                    Last edited by charlesr; 23-07-2011, 11:58.


                      Cool thread idea.

                      I don't have these games, but think it's great the way almost any interest or perversion can be catered for in videogame form. Truly videogames are approaching maturity! Nerds are welcome, always and obviously. Videogames used to be 'for' nerds exclusively (e.g., me and my mates swopping pirated tapes in playground), so it's that great train, bus and lorry nerds get their videogame fun as well. If kids go nuts for it, cool. Maybe the truck driver kid's dad is a truck driver? He can play the game and talk to his dad about it when he gets home from a long job! Awesome! The 20 year old buying a street cleaning game with his mum, however ...


                        I think you should rename the thread:

                        People buy this stuff?!??!!!11


                          Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
                          I think you should rename the thread:

                          People buy this stuff?!??!!!1!!!!one!!!!!!!11!!!eleven!!


                            ^ A person with no interest in games who logged into this site accidentally might have the same response.

                            I think this thread should be renamed "People Buy This Stuff WOOT WOOT WOOT!!!"

                   that we can enjoy the diversity of the medium rather than get snobby and superior about the manifestations of it that we dislike personally.
                            Last edited by Golgo; 22-07-2011, 16:37.


                              Each to their own I suppose. It could of been some **** Wii / DS shovelwaren instead.

                              I play Railfan BTW!

