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Games as the Creative Discipline for this Century

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    Originally posted by charlesr View Post
    dunno what you mean....
    You know I asked about having a signature? Your post is exactly what I'd put there



      The closest gaming gets to the movies is generally with Rockstar, but with the problem with Rockstar is they try too hard to get close to the movies. I played through Red Dead and loved the acting and writing, but at no point was I emotionally involved because I spent the whole time mentally ticking off which other stories they had ripped off. Frustratingly, it shows to me that gaming can achieve greatness in this regard, but a developer is yet to show up which has the ambition and talent to achieve it. Or rather, the confidence to take these things and go off and do something original which plays to the strength of the medium.

      I think Valve will be the ones to do it. Half-Life 2 and Portal 2 were mighty, and both achieved more than almost every other videogame without losing the essenence of being a game.

      Bastion also introduces a new way (to me, at least) of telling a story. The plot for the game wasn't anything special, but the way it is told pulled me into the experience so much. There were a couple of scenes in the game (all fully interactive) that really took me by surprise, I wouldn't say I was emotionally attached to the characters or story, but I was engaged to the experience.

      As for the other points in the OP:
      I've loved the Deus Ex live action and FMV trailers, I think they've been really slickly produced and for once can be positively attached to the product they are promoting. Take them out of context, or look at them as a film trailer, and they would be seen as being below average though.

      Sorry if I've missed the point of the thread!

