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Rebel Strike = "Return of the Jedi" of trilogy

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    Rebel Strike = "Return of the Jedi" of trilogy

    So Edge gave Rebel Strike a 5. Seems harsh, but I think it's justified. The game is crafted nicely, with wonderful graphics and sound, but there's very little art here. It's a nice valentine for Star Wars fans, but it's not a great game on its own merits. Like Return of the Jedi, I'll play it a lot but it's not going to be very well remembered. I spent most of yesterday playing it and managed to unlock about ten levels, but the highlight remains the Atari vector arcade game, which is a much tighter production (and the game saves your high scores to the card, which is a nice touch).

    Like the film Return of the Jedi, the technical aspects of the game are much better than those of its predecessors, but they're bogged down by stupid, ugly design choices. Like RotJ, there is a lot of repetition from the last installment, which isn't so charming this time around. The menus, briefing rooms, hangers, musical themes, and extras are almost identical to those in Rogue Leader.

    What little story there is has been hacked down to the bare essentials of set pieces, to the point that they require a narrator to explain what's going on. Even the Starfighter games had a better narrative thread.

    The much-vaunted film clips have been heavily edited and typically only serve to slow down the action, and the black screens between segments do nothing to help the immersiveness. The scenes starring Wedge Antilles don't have any film clips, but instead rely on in-game renderings like the previous Rogue games, which I find to be much less jarring in spite of the piss-poor transitions. Conspicuous by their absence are the fancy LucasFilm-style wipes as seen in Rogue Squadron. The game lacks polish and feels rushed out the door to meet a deadline.

    Some of the levels remind me of Rebel Assault II, but the pacing and balance isn't as consistent as that game. The Sarlacc Pit fight goes on for a perfunctory minute or two, while the speeder bike chase, while beautiful, seems to run for hours. And is there a point to the Dagobah training, other than to introduce the SNES-like double jump, and to see an embarrasingly rendered Yoda telling you to push the B button to use the force?

    I haven't played any of the multiplayer missions yet, but I suspect that's where the real value lies. As it is, Rebel Strike is more like an appendix to the last game than a full title on its own. The on-foot sections aren't as bad as you might have heard, but they certainly wouldn't hold up on their own.

    I'm looking forward to unlocking the other arcade titles, and would very much like to see the rumored "Rebel X" on XBOX, which is supposed to contain all three Roge Squadron games. It would make sense to open out all the missions from one tree as if it were one big game. I only hope the producers take the time to weave it all together into a nice coherent package like "Knights of the Old Republic" or dare I say "Behind the Magic."

    There was a nagging little voice in my head telling me that I should have bought Crimson Skies for XBOX instead, but I simply had to have the latest and greatest Star Wars title instead. Ah well, that will be in the bargain bin by Christmas while RS3 is still selling strong.

    Great. Now Edge have given the game a "low" score, everyone has an excuse to bitch about it...




      To be fair, I thought this little piece was very good. I was thinking of buying it, but I'll probably hold off now.


        Sorry, but you can STFU yourself. These thoughts were turning over in my head before I knew of the Edge score.

        The game is a must-have for a Star Wars nut like me, and it's better than Super Bombad Racing or Obi-Wan, but just don't go in expecting much more than the footnotes to Rogue Leader.


          Not a RotJ fan then, heh.


            Jedi could have been the best thing ever if they would have used Wookies instead of stupid Teddy bears. I mean the Empire, most powerful force ever.
            Beaten by a bunch of teddies with sticks and stones.

            As for the game, my copy is on its way, I just hope I enjoy it more than you did.
            What are the 3rd person bits like out of interest? And is as bad as N64 Star Wars? (Not Rogue Squadron, the other one with the ****ty 3rd person and bike bits).


              I reckon a footnote to the last game would be more than enough to keep me happy. I don't have such high expectations as a lot of people around here, and don't always demand massive levels of progression between installments. I really enjoyed the last game, and as long as they give me more of the same I think I'll be enjoying this one too (although I'll reserve my final judgement until I've played it, obviously)


                Originally posted by bowser123
                I mean the Empire, most powerful force ever.
                Beaten by a bunch of teddies with sticks and stones.
                Try shooting said teddies in SWG. Pwned in seconds tbh


                  Originally posted by bowser123
                  Jedi could have been the best thing ever if they would have used Wookies instead of stupid Teddy bears. I mean the Empire, most powerful force ever.
                  Beaten by a bunch of teddies with sticks and stones.
                  It's a metaphor for the 'nam, man!


                    Originally posted by Super Stu
                    Try shooting said teddies in SWG. Pwned in seconds tbh
                    Innit.....****ing Jintu or whatever they're called.



                      me no likee so far. factor 5 have lost the plot on this one.


                        Originally posted by bowser123
                        Jedi could have been the best thing ever if they would have used Wookies instead of stupid Teddy bears. I mean the Empire, most powerful force ever.
                        Beaten by a bunch of teddies with sticks and stones.

                        As for the game, my copy is on its way, I just hope I enjoy it more than you did.
                        What are the 3rd person bits like out of interest? And is as bad as N64 Star Wars? (Not Rogue Squadron, the other one with the ****ty 3rd person and bike bits).
                        Yeah, that would have been great ... so what if Chewie was already established as a major character? That would have made it more interesting, not less ... IMHO of course.

                        Rebel Strike is not "bad" so much as it is a missed opportunity. The game you're thinking of is Shadows of the Empire, which I liked a lot more than this game, but then again, that game came out in 1996 and there wasn't anything that looked quite like it with its filtered SGI-style graphics at the time. Rebel Strike is a better game, and I will play it a lot, but I wish it were even better. That's the same way I feel about Return of the Jedi, obviously.

                        X-Wing and TIE Fighter on the XBOX with updated graphics and online play is what I really want. Those games were almost perfect, so every time something lesser comes along, it's like a punch in the stomach.


                          Originally posted by Flojomojo
                          X-Wing and TIE Fighter on the XBOX with updated graphics and online play is what I really want.
                          Ack, if only!



                            Got Rebel Strike yesterday and played it last night and quite enjoyed it to be honest, I thought the Hoth level was very good and they have added a few new level types.

                            The first bonus level is very good, graphics look great.

                            Quick question, could somebody please tell me how to do the whale jumping towards the end of the Jedi/Yoda training level. Basically, I can jump onto the back of the first whale(thing) in the swamp but when I try to land on the second one (which is going the opposite way) I always end up in the drink ?




                              I haven?t got round to ordering this yet (need to get my bum into gear, haven?t brought anything for too long now *sigh*) however I plan to very shortly. It took a great deal of persuading myself to purchase Rogue Leader when that first came out, but when I did I was totally gob smacked by it. Of course for the wonderfully crafted visuals but also due to how much I generally enjoyed playing it. I was quite shocked to see the general negatively I saw flying around net concerning RL. As with most things, It all just comes down to people?s personal tastes?

                              Concerning Rebel Strikes, I am expecting more of the same tbh. I don?t expect it to be anything more then point five added to Rogue Leader, but that is fine by me?

                              I can?t wait to get my grubby little palms onto the co-op modes. I can see that has some great potential for some entertaining nights in with my friend Mr Richard and I.

                              Overall, i'm like charlaph. My expectations aren't high, just safe. Give me more of the same and i shall be a pleased little bunny
                              ----Member since April 2002


