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Anticipation: September - 2nd Half

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    ICO/SOTC and Gears 3 for me...its been an awful drought this year. Without EDF I would have gone insane!!


      Silent Hill HD, Resi 4 HD and the Ico pack por moi. I'll maybe get Code Veronica if I find time. Averege year so far but I think starting with Deus Ex I'll have something epic to play all the way up til around March next year.


        Second half of the month looks like this for me:

        Gears 3
        God of War Origins
        Resi 4 HD
        CV X HD
        Senran Kagura
        Photo Kano
        Evangelion 3nd Impact
        Ico/SotC HD
        Last edited by Johnny; 23-08-2011, 21:15.


          Originally posted by Charlie View Post
          Anybody else feel this (up until now) has been the worst year for gaming for some time?
          One of the best in recent years as far as I'm concerned.


            Fifa 12 is my main want. Simply down to playing online clubs.


              So far this year has been teh amaze for games with Dead Space 2, BulletStorm, Crysis 2, MvC3, Catherine, Zelda 3DS and no doubt some others I've missed.

              Coming into Christmas looks to be pretty great too!!


                Gears and the ICO set. Due to lack of time, trying to cut down on games, but there's a few big-time wants this autumn/winter season.


                  It's nice that the collections seem popular, the last few released haven't done so well


                    While I'm interested in the Silent Hill and ICO/SotC HD collections, the truth is I don't get enough time for games these days and can barely focus on them when I do play them (huge backlog of barely-started games) so I'll probably just skip them.

                    Which leaves Gears of War 3 which, although I think the first was much better than the sequel, I just can't miss.


                      The Silent Hill collection took me by surprise. Definitely interested in that.

                      Code Veronica X HD I?m excited to play again. Resi 4 HD, I?m curious to see how it looks but other than that I can?t be bothered to play through it for the trillionth time.


                        Gears of War 3 is probably my most anticipated game of the year, so yeah, WANT!!! The beta was f'ing incredible when they had the dedicated servers up so I can't wait to jump into online

