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Starbreeze's Syndicate Reboot

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    Starbreeze's Syndicate Reboot

    It is real. And here it is.

    The forever-rumored reboot of EA's Syndicate franchise, originally created by the defunct Bullfrog Productions in 1993, is real. First gameplay details and a handful of screen shots have just allegedly leaked from Electronic Arts' Origin store, giving us our first glimpse at developer Starbreeze's new game.

    And it sounds exactly like Deus Ex.

    Ah well.

    I had a dream this was being redone. Subscribes to thread.

    Checks link.

    Unsubscribes to thread.


      Could be great, keeping an eye on it! And more games like Deus Ex is a good thing.


        The original Syndicate isn't on Steam of GOG. Any ideas where one might be able to pick it up from without resorting to internet hacker gangs doing it for the ****?


          Whilst I loved Deus Ex HR, this is a bit... wrong. I adore the original Syndicate and I'm going to want to try this regardless of what they do to it, but this sounds like a complete change in pace/style. Similar to X-Com and what's happening to that, it's a bit crappy to shoehorn a perfectly good style of game into an FPS just because...


            Oh lookie what we have here: another classic tactical strategy game rebooted as an FPS. I guess EA didn't get the memo about the fan reaction to XCom. This damn well better be good.


              Never played the original as I was possibly 2-3 years too young to be able to play that kind of game.

              I'll forgive the genre shift if they leave cover shooting elements out of it though (not gonna happen).


                Originally posted by Silanda View Post
                Oh lookie what we have here: another classic tactical strategy game rebooted as an FPS. I guess EA didn't get the memo about the fan reaction to XCom. This damn well better be good.

                XCom fans : 2
                FPS FANS : 4,000,000,000,000,000,000


                  More cyberpunk games, yay!

                  More classic series raped, boo!

                  Main character's name, Miles Kilo, could win an award for dumbest name in gaming.
                  Last edited by Guts; 11-09-2011, 21:55.


                    4-player online co-op. I am... optimistic. Frankly glad that cyberpunk is making a small comeback too.


                      Looks cool!


                        Originally posted by Boris View Post
                        XCom fans : 2
                        FPS FANS : 4,000,000,000,000,000,000
                        This kind of statement has been brought up before and the response to it is always the same: If there are so few fans of the orginal and the old IP is so worthless, why not just create new IP? Otherwise all that happens is we get a brief period of rumors and excitment for people who apparently aren't numerous enough to matter, followed by a **** storm when it turns out that a cherished classic is being turned into yet another shooter. People who never played the originals won't care, so what is there to be gained in not creating new IP? Dressing one game in the skin of another just detracts from its own merits.
                        Last edited by Silanda; 11-09-2011, 23:19.


                          Perhaps this was the only way they could possibly revive anything under the Syndicate wars guise? EA have released too many C&C games that flopped in recent years to know that selling more strategy games wasn't gonna bring the cash in. At least this way the franchise gets some attention it hadn't had for almost 20 years. Fans should be happy there is anything at all surely?

                          And why not make a new IP? Perhaps the people who got this game off the ground were fans of the original's premise / setting?


                            Yeah, I don't mind this if only on the basis that I have enough faith in Starbreeze as a developer to make a good game that will feel like it's from the Syndicate world.

                            EA still owe me a new Road Rash and Jungle Strike though


                              Originally posted by Guts View Post
                              Main character's name, Miles Kilo, could win an award for dumbest name in gaming.
                              He'd lose to 'Edge Maverick' in Star Ocean 4.

