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New Suikoden game announced [PSP]

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    New Suikoden game announced [PSP]

    Konami has announced that a new Suikoden game, called Genso Suikoden: Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki, is coming for the PSP. The game was announced at the Tri-Ace/Konami's Frontier Gate stage event at Tokyo Game Show.

    Anime cut scene video:

    I'm a big fan of the Suikoden series so it's interesting to see if this will be proper RPG game or a spin-off.

    Lets hope and pray we get a localisation. I love the series but wont even consider trying to struggle through a game like Suikoden in Japanese.


      Yeah, a translation would be a must for me too (and a PSP as I don't have one). I don't know if we'll ever see this in English as PSP is pretty much dead in the west. Maybe as a downloadable game for the Vita? There's always hope.


        The DS one wasn't great. Not awful but not great. Still love the two PS1 games though. Replayed them both probably about a year ago and enjoyed them just as much as back in the day. I'd definitely be watching this with interest but the chances of localisation have to be pretty slim.


          Completed 1-2 and 3 but struggle with 4. Would love to see a return to 2D with the series.


            Originally posted by nakamura View Post
            Completed 1-2 and 3 but struggle with 4. Would love to see a return to 2D with the series.
            You should give Suikoden 5 a go on PS2 Nakamura. I think it's much better than number 4, and I quite enjoyed it. It's in 3D, but has an isometric viewpoint and the battle screen resembles Suikoden 1&2. It also brings back 6 party members, it sucked that Suikoden IV only had 4 characters in the party.

            I wish the original Suikoden creator and director, Yo****aka Murayama would come back to work on this, but that's probably a slim hope.
            Last edited by Guts; 19-09-2011, 10:20.


              Yeah I have no 5 and heard good things. I wanted to try to complete 4 first, got really far but just got a bit bored.


                Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                Yeah I have no 5 and heard good things. I wanted to try to complete 4 first, got really far but just got a bit bored.
                I actually played 5 before I bought 4 (which I also haven't finished). The two aren't really connected in any meaningful way (I think 4 happens 300 years before 5, which is also a prequel to 1, 2 & 3. Yeah it's confusing), so you can perfectly enjoy 5 without finishing the mediocre 4.
                Last edited by Guts; 19-09-2011, 11:07.


                  Yeah it does seem more traditional, even with the viewpoint. S4 had almost no content yet they managed to drag it out massively. The whole game is grey and dull, even the music. I hate starting games and not finishing them though, especially after 20 hours!


                    Heheh, I know, I probably played number 4 almost to the end, but then for some reason didn't finish it. The sailing around the map was pain because of too high encounter rate and long distances between places. The encounter rate is lower in 5 and I found the plot and the characters much better and more interesting.


                      The DS one wasn't bad it just suffered from being way too easy.

                      also youdon'tknowifyoudon'ttry

                      But anyway, can't see this getting localised, shouldn't imagine there's a huge market for western PSP games 6 months down the line.


                        I'm still waiting for Valkyria Chronicles 3 to be localised.

