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Warco (The News Game)

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    Warco (The News Game)

    A new FPS where you don't actually shoot a gun or kill anything/anyone?

    As a Warco (War Correspondent) you are armed to the teeth with a camera and the special ability of being able to film major conflicts as they happen.

    Site Blurb

    "WARCO lets players shoot and record what they see ?through the lens? ? framing shots, panning and zooming, grabbing powerful images of combatants and civilians caught up in war. They?ve got AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades ? you?ve got a flak jacket, a video camera, and a burning desire to get the story. Every game space is embedded with multiple objectives and story leads for journalist Jesse DeMarco to find ? a scoop if she?s smart, mortal danger if she drops her guard?"

    "Record dramatic images of war, save them in-game, then edit the results into a compelling frontline TV news story. Beam the results to global audiences on the web. No two WARCO stories will ever be alike. It?s an edge-of-seat gaming experience ? and a powerful entry-level training tool for future combat reporters. WARCO is perfectly timed to take advantage of the convergence of games and movies, journalism and online communities, in a world undergoing massive social, geo-political and technological change."

    Sounds like a rip-off of Gekisha Boy.


      Yeah totally


        So basically they took what could have been a pretty interesting idea & managed to ruin it by making it look like the exact same fps games that have already been done to death, just what we need yet ANOTHER war game with those glorious brown & green tones because lord knows theres never enough of those already.

        Wasted oppertunity, basically fatal frame with army men & more browns


          War journalists are renowned for covering wars in fantasy worlds.
          2 replies and both very down on it, anybody would think it was activision making it from those responses!

          Originally posted by importaku View Post
          Wasted oppertunity, basically fatal frame with army men & more browns
          You have a camera and it's in first person, that is probably where the similarities end, Fatal Frame and Michegan have both done the whole supernatural thing.

          I might save this quote and use it to comment on any other new game in future

          Wasted oppertunity, basically____________ with _________ & ____________s

          Grand Turismo 5:
          Wasted oppertunity, basically Mario Kart with Nissan's & more reflections
          Last edited by EvilBoris; 25-09-2011, 18:38.

