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Sony Ericsson Xperia Play Discussion

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    Its literally taken me 23 hours to get this thing rooted, unlocked, and put cyanogen9 on the bastard. LOL, the amount of times I thought I'd bricked this git, it makes me realise you would have to go OUT of your way to do so, everything is so easy to recover (when you know how!)

    Now just need to get google play on this badboy and get cracking!


    Sod this, Cmod 9 is too unstable. Gonna give v7 a try seeing as you lot are so blooming happy with it.
    Last edited by bash; 20-04-2012, 23:18.


      Haha I feel your pain. It took a bit of mucking around with but it's well worth it once it's sorted. Actually the camera crashes on mine every time I try to use it and i still haven't gotten around to fixing it...


        I've got a Galaxy nexus so the Xperia I bought purely for portable emu goodness. Im going to eventually go through a list of all the apps I can uninstall safely, overclock this mofo and start dl-ing some blooming emus. Roms4Droid seesm to be the only real dedicated Android/emu site. Im sure Datadave and the rest of you lot could pull a better resource list together though It'd be nice to go straight for the most compatible/best performing emu rather than go through each one trial n error!


          Guys im going to buy one in the next few days, i dont own any mobile phone so im a complete noob, bash or DD any advice how to root this, ie a guide i can read and implement, and help appreciated.


            Oooh, you're in for a world of pain.

            Heres as good a place as any I guess

            but be prepared for tears, fears and heartache. Its a constant tweakers dream once you get there though.


              Ok im in the club, just got one on ebay for 160 delivered


                Nice app lets you map controls to any keys,


                  Originally posted by MisterBubbles View Post
                  Nice app lets you map controls to any keys,
                  Cool. Will keep an eye on that for when you can save your configs, then I'll get it for sure.


                    So has anybody tried out ICS beta?, or you'd all rather stay rooted and use cryogen?


                      Still on stock rom here. Not had any real complaints, however the thing that seems to plague a fair few android owners is the repaedted loss of wifi when returning from 'standby' state. Fecking annoying.

                      I haven't gone to cmod.. yet.. Unless they can get everything working like the stock, I'll wait for ICS. But gut feeling is that they Sony might not actually come through with that.


                        cm9 will be based on ICS, so I'll wait for that. Not sure when Sony are planning to release ICS properly, the beta hasn't been out for too long though as far as I know.


                          CM9 is still buggy but I will upgrade to official ICS (hopefully with a different kernal) once its released. I dont mind CM7 but I dont like being on gingerbread.


                            xperia play is due ICS around may or june officially.


                              By the way, has anyone experience an emulator that doesnt like or recognise the Xperias dpad/buttons touchpads?


                                Originally posted by bash View Post
                                By the way, has anyone experience an emulator that doesnt like or recognise the Xperias dpad/buttons touchpads?
                                The only thing that springs to mind is the official GTA3 release. Not an emu, but still...

