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The Xbox One Thread

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    Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
    Speak for yourself! No issues here.

    But you're essentially right. Look how AWFUL BC was on the PS3 for the PS2. Never again.
    Don't get me wrong, GC, Wii and PS2 emulation is pretty impressive considering people are doing it in their spare time. It just requires a pretty hefty machine regardless. And they are still fairly buggy, whereas you could take an Atari 2600 emulator and throw whatever you want at it, and still run it on a low powered android phone.

    Modern consoles are way too complicated, I mean I can't ever see a 360 or PS3 emulator making it to the PC, hell there isn't even a working Xbox one, and that was basically a PC in a box for all intents.


      BC worked just fine on PS3. At least for everything I played on it. Only Silent Hill 2 had issues as far as I can remember. Still, yes, PS3 emulation ain't gonna happen for the next 10 years ate the very least, probably ever.


        Originally Posted by originalbadboy PC's overclocked to 4Ghz+ with decent GPU's still struggle to emulate GC, Wii & PS2 as it is.

        Speak for yourself! No issues here.
        This :-)

        I personally struggle to be bothered with any new console news
        since building a powerful pc rig :-)
        3DS FC (updated 2015): 0447-8108-3129


          Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
          I'd be highley surprised/impressed if any streaming service was used to distribute current gen titles as BC.
          The sheer number of units you would need would be mind boggling in order to provide a decent service...
          Yeah, it's a pie in the sky prospect. DRM idea is interesting.

          I think they'll be more inclined to push the idea of sideways compatibility with our existing devices like tablets and smartphones than backwards. BC will not be an issue this time around because they can just say it's too difficult, that this current gen's consoles were so amazering and that we should just keep them(which is true in terms of the generational gap not being that wide) because there is still 'a wealth of content' or something. People will complain and Watchdog will launch an investigation.


            Even if it was easy, HD Collections have killed BC. Why enable it when you can charge for the games again?

            As for Fallout 4, my money is it'll be out this November only on PC and current gen machines.


              That's true. Imagine the upscaled next-gen ports of current gen games :P

              Hopefully the PS4 will have the phenomenal power needed to properly render smoke in SH2. We can but dream...


                Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post
                They might be initially slow on the uptake
                Sums up the CVG posters to a tee.


                  If second hand games really are blocked on the next Xbox, or if second hand games require one buy an activation code to run, then I'll probably give the console a miss as most games I buy are second hand and seldom do I feel a game is worth more than ?30.

                  I generally avoid predicting or anticipating the future - a foolhardy occupation in my opinion, but I know if I had to buy all my games brand new at ?30 - ?45, then I would be much more careful in what I buy and take far fewer chances, and I imagine many others would do the same, and if gamers are less willing to take a chance on a game, then it stands to reason developers will follow suit. In short, I fear it will lead to less creativity and innovaton.


                    Originally posted by Charlie View Post
                    I know if I had to buy all my games brand new at ?30 - ?45, then I would be much more careful in what I buy and take far fewer chances, and I imagine many others would do the same, and if gamers are less willing to take a chance on a game, then it stands to reason developers will follow suit. In short, I fear it will lead to less creativity and innovaton.
                    This. Some of my favourite games of this generation were ones that I wasn't sure I'd like or were short and sweet games so I waited until they hit ?20.

                    Plus, if I can't sell a game on if I didn't like it then I'd be even less inclined to spend ?40 on something than I am now.

                    Seriously, FIFA and CoD will be all there is in 5 years time.


                      I think people are worried that games being digital only means that it will be the end of the budget priced title.

                      One of the main factors for new games not dropping in price is because no bulk buying is done after the release of the game and the market is already saturated with 2nd hand stock, so there is no point in retailers purchasing more stock.

                      I'm sure we will see games dropping in price even if it is a digital only future, but I might expect to pay a little more for them day one.
                      If you look at the older/budget titles that are on games on demand/PSN store, they are actually pretty reasonably priced, you'd expect to pay a similar price for them if you were to find a new copy in a specialist store, it's not quite as horrendous as people make out. I've bought a couple of games which I've not even been able to find in the stores from the console online stores.



                        Charlie's back and making a good point!

                        Hello again!


                          When you say good point, do you mean the same point that every old grump on the internet has been saying about digital downloads for the last 10 years?


                            Hey, QC. Don't expect any more good points from me for a while. My quota is one per calender year and I just used it.

                            Back on topic, I genuinely believe blocking second hand games will be an expensive experiment for Microsoft, Sony too if they follow suit, and imagine it will keep many gamers from buying their consoles. But who knows, maybe I'm particularly tight-fisted compared to most gamers. But money aside, I imagine the principle alone is enough for many gamers to react by means of a buycott. It's a narrowing of our options, of our freedoms, and few want that.


                              Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                              When you say good point, do you mean the same point that every old grump on the internet has been saying about digital downloads for the last 10 years?
                              I think the bit where Charlie said if gamers take less risk on buying games then developers will take less risk making them. I agree and we are already seeing that nasty circle. Developers having Metacritic score woven into their contract, surely creativity is restrained right there! CONFORM LEVEL DESIGNER! CONFORM ARTIST!


                                I personally wouldn't mind a system of keeping the pre-owned the way it is, but when you go to use the second hand disk you have to pay an unlock fee of say ?5, half to the devs and half to the publisher, but only if the dev is included.

                                I'm always in for a system where the developers are supported.

