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Monster Hunter for Vita

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    Monster Hunter for Vita

    Looks like its on the way


    I can't afford one. I'm not buying.

    In all honesty, MH games are actually better on Nintendo consoles


      You'll buy it , contradiction Kryss??? You say MHP 3rd HD is the best MH, and what console is that on again?


        Yeah he will you know he can't stick to his gaming spend budget you know you want on kryss, you know you do


          MH3G is better than 3rdHD but lacks the online. It just FEELS more fun. I much prefer the simple farming and wandering around the island with no time limit, looting the place blind.


            I reckon mhvita will make a big difference to the vitas japanese fortunes but I dont think its going to be the game changer many expect it to be. Now that the 3DS has a heavy hand in the franchises future its largely removed a lot of its significance to Sony. A good thing for the vita to have none the less.


              MH4 is already confirmed for 3DS after all


                I'd rather have a new monster hunter on a console than a handheld to be honest.... Hour long hunts just work better on a console.


                  This is great news if only for the change of fortunes it will have on Vita in Japan. I only ever played MH on PSP so can't compare but this is a good sign for vitas future. Roll on 22nd, I can't wait to get stuck into my vita


                    Yes but what is MH4 Kryss?? That mad crazy platform lets get chased by Rathalos , if it is , i think i'll pass.


                      If they changed the formula that much there would be uproar. It'll stick to the classic style most of the time. When the Japanese like a game, you change it at your peril.

                      Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                      I'd rather have a new monster hunter on a console than a handheld to be honest.... Hour long hunts just work better on a console.
                      It's all about the game, not the console. I love 3rdHD, but I love 3G more.
                      Last edited by kryss; 04-02-2012, 07:12.


                        Make your mind up Kryss?? In the MHP 3rd HD review you say its the best single and online game, but again you say MH Tri G is better.


                          It was at the time I wrote that. 3G isn't online but plays excellently overall.


                            Glad you've finally made up your mind, now all i need is a western release

