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Anniversary of a Bi-Pedal Rail-Gun Wielding Walking Nuclear Arsenal

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    Anniversary of a Bi-Pedal Rail-Gun Wielding Walking Nuclear Arsenal

    2012 is the year of the big gaming anniversaries as we also see Metal Gear turn 25 years old in another stark reminder of our age.

    The series has been largely quiet for the last 4 years with only Peace Walker quietly causing a stir. It's one of gamings most recognised marmite series with people arguing over it's strengths and weaknesses both as a series and on individual entry basis however it's never been afraid of playing with player conceptions of what it should be with the main series using various tricks and spin-offs branching into all sorts of different sub-genres.

    What are your memories of the long running series?
    Which is your favourite entry and why?
    Metal Gear
    Metal Gear 2: Snakes Revenge
    Metal Gear Solid
    Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
    Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
    Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
    Metal Gear Ac!d series
    Metal Gear Portable Ops
    Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
    Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes

    I keep picking up various iterations to give it a try, but I can never get on with it. I love Ghost and Goblins / Turrican, so this should be up my alley too, but something about the movement puts me off. And I can't put my finger on why. Is it lack of precision? Or the jump float factor or what? No idea....


      I loved Solid at the time, but never really got on with any of the others I've played. Never even tried 3 or 4.


        I wasn't even aware of the first two games back in the day so when Subsistance came with them I gave them a go but never got on with them, same kind of went for Ghost Babel and the Ac!d games. When it came out MGS was one of those games that I had little to no expectations of and it blew me away. The climax of MGS1 at the time was unlike anything I'd ever played with the story being probably the first game narrative to ever hook me.

        MGS2 was always something of a disappointment to me. Not so much because of the Raiden switch but mainly because the game, even to this day, always felt like a budget entry. The opening ship section was like a reminder of what could have been with the Big Shell facility lacking in character and the ending being somewhat lacklustre. Still my weakest of the core 4 Solid titles.

        I'd reigned in my expectations of MGS3 after 2, especially with all the chatter about the feeding and bandaging. The end result though is, for me, an unrivaled peak in the series with everything that made the first MGS great back and taking it to the nth degree. Never found the complaints about feeding or healing to hold much water considering both are merely 2-3 clicks of the square button to do and are required rarely in the entire game. The later facilty/runway/mountain chase/battle/flower field/lake finale is sheer epicness. The subsistance camera makes it a like a new, much improved game too, really showing off how well made the areas are.

        MGS4 was a bit of a come down after three but still a very solid entry. Due to being a continuation of the MGS2 line and setting it once again felt like it lacked character and strong enemies. The lack of Liquids voice actor was a shame too. The MGS Online portion was an interesting diversion for a while and I hope to go through it again after the HD games. The peak was the MGS1 area which was brilliant.

        It can get a knocking but I really love Twin Snakes too. It's a brilliant update and one of Silicon Knights last reminders they were once capable of good software. I prefer it to MGS1 as the original has aged quite a bit. Lovely looking and plays great.

        I need to retry Peace Walker in the collection as it left me a bit cold on PSP thanks to the controls and budget cutscenes. Speaking of, the series cutscenes don't bother me either. They're part of the series DNA and the pay off in story terms is usually worth it and there's more than enough games without the lengthy scenes to play.


          I try to pretend that Portable ops doesn't exist. Other than that I love all the core games. I've voted for 4 though as I absolutely loved the way the series had progressed, letting you choose not to be stealthy for once. The attention to detail and the amount of work above and beyond the call that went into that game was just incredible and has not been surpassed this generation. I really like Metal Gear Online too :-)


            All of the core games have made me think that they were the "best game ever" at certain times. I've played them all at great length, to what would be a platinum trophy if trophies were present. I think 3 is probably the best. It's the most ambitious for me anyway. 4 I really like, but it lacks something. Actually they all lack something, whilst at the same time having things that other games do not. 2 I could play anytime, although the Big Shell can drag if you don't know what you are doing. 1 is stellar, although hasn't aged too well IMO.

            I shall pick up the HD games at some point. Peace Walker may become amazing due to being afforded an extra analog stick.

            The best thing for me is that I have no idea of the story having only ever played in Japanese. From what I gather the story is quite confusing anyway, so I have made up my own story from watching the cut scenes.
            Kept you waiting, huh?


              Originally posted by charlesr View Post
              I keep picking up various iterations to give it a try, but I can never get on with it. I love Ghost and Goblins / Turrican, so this should be up my alley too, but something about the movement puts me off. And I can't put my finger on why. Is it lack of precision? Or the jump float factor or what? No idea....
              Hehheh. erm... I hadn't woken up by the time I wrote this. I thought this was about Metal Slug.


                Slugs aren't bi-pedal ;-)


                  Apart from the Bipedal Slug of course.
                  Kept you waiting, huh?


                    Of course*

                    *I knew I should have researched this, having never played a Metal Slug game.


                      I only care about the numbered core titles.

                      All 4 are fantastic. Been teasing the idea of replaying Metal Gear Solid.



                        *puts on wizard hat and robe*
                        Kept you waiting, huh?


                          Heheh. Thread derailed. Sorry. But heheh.


                            I love them all (except the uncontrollable Portable Ops) but MGS 1 changed my life when I played it. It massively influenced my gaming tastes and is one of my favourite games of all time.


                              I haven't played many of them, mostly due to the fact that I never owned a PS2 or PSP... I played the original recently and thought it was great. So far ahead of its time and the 8 bit artwork still looks great. I must have a crack at the sequel sometime.

                              I did play MGS and MGS2 on the PC too and loved both of them. I understand there is a bit of hate for the second (mainly due to Raiden I guess?) but I thought it was amazing. Easily one of the best endings to a game ever.

                              Other than that, I'll wait for MGS3 on the 3DS and hope the others are eventually released on a console I own.

