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New Console Magic (NCM)

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    New Console Magic (NCM)

    Despite not having the money or time for one, I've decided to pick up a Vita on wednesday. With many strong arguments not to do so, there could be only one to defeat them: the allure of New Console Magic.

    New Console Magic is the exciting and unique feeling that follows owning a brand new console. It can be the special moment when you first unbox the machine. Maybe the wonder of learning the intricacies of it's menu system. The awe when you play a game and experience the consoles superior graphics/new control mechanics/unique gimmick. On some consoles it's simply enough to replay older games with improved graphics.

    When a console is brand new, the list of available games is usually pretty small. This usually make early adopters consider several games they would otherwise not. That weird japanese rhythm game suddenly seems a lot cooler when it's one of six available games for the system. Such limitations has made me discover games I would otherwise not have on many occasions. If not for a limited selection of games I might never have played Jet Set Radio Future, Waverace Blue Storm or Smugglers Run. And when the console you're playing on is brand sparkling new, the whole experience get a little bit sweeter.

    And with the consoles being so advanced as they are, it's also a lot of fun to follow the progress from the first firmware, to all the changes and updates it will receive. The 360 people can buy today, is a lot different to what it was six years ago.

    Many of my greatest gaming memories come from the first few days of a consoles life: Tekken Tag Tournament with friends on my shiny PS2, trying to beat a friends high score in Geometry Wars on my XBox 360, playing Sonic Adventure in 60hz on the Dreamcast. While I know the Vita probably won't compare to those memories, but I still think that the joy of owning a brand new console is worth the risk.
    Last edited by JSR; 20-02-2012, 19:21.

    Tekken Tag on your shiny PS3? Sonic Adventure 60 frames per second? What?


      Edited to make your comment redundant. Now who's the fool?


        Still you.


          But the PS2 was matt, not shiny...


            There is definitely something special about that brand new console. Even more special when imported before it's out here. The last time I experienced that was probably the PSP and it was a little piece of magic. We get used to the design and feel very quickly so that newness only really exists for a certain window I think. The sense of a jump that occurs can be quite striking, even if the jump isn't huge.

            And you're right that we often experience games early on we wouldn't look at later. Trickstyle on the DC - not good but not godawful either. Ring of Red on PS2 (hated it). But it works for favourites too. Namco seems to define Ridge by being a launch game. They own that racing space. I have wondered if Wipeout would have taken off as the series it is if not launched when there weren't that many games around it. Would there ever have been a sequel had it been buried later in the life of the PS1?

            There is a magic to the shiny newness. I like it. It's not just a games system, it's an experience.


              There is also that thing where you do squeeze every bit of enjoyment out of otherwise mediocre titles, just look at the Vita line up, a pile of poorly made rehashes and sequels I wouldn't normally care for, but there is a certain allure to them on the new machine.


                This an awesome post. I love when people describe their feelings about games experiences. It brings me right back.

                I remember Sonic Adventure and 60Hz, that was magic. My personal best ever was Luigi's Mansion on the Gamecube. The only time ever that I played a Nintendo system at launch. It was also one of those rare experiences where a friend and I took turns playing/watching right to the end.

                Tomorrow, February 22nd, I feel the urge to get some NCM! But I won't, the 3DS had all the NCM of a second hand Jaguar bundled with Cybermorph for me :-(


                  Problem with tomorrows Vita launch is that as much as I am looking forward too it, none of the launch games will actually be doing anything new, There will be no moments on par with the Killer Whale chase sequence in Sonic adventure for instance. Im sure I will like Uncharted, but is it likley to make me go "WOW"?.... probabaly not.

                  There is the possibilty that Gravity Daze would make me go "WOW!!" but we wont have that yet in this country.


                    I think the "New Console Magic" is better when you pick up a console later in it's lifespan, and there is a selection of truly fantastic games available, instead of having to pick from a limited selection.

                    I have had a few consoles on launch or thereabouts (GBA, SNES, Wii, Playstation and DS) and while it can be a good experience, my best "new machine experiences" have been with the Dreamcast and the N64. Both were bought pretty late in their lifespans and as a result I was buying superb games brand new for budget prices.

                    For relatively low amounts of money I bought a Dreamcast with MSR, Jet Set Radio, Virtua Fighter 3 and Dead or Alive 2 (I think it was around the time of the PS2 launch), and before that I got an N64 with Diddy Kong Racing, F-Zero and some other games and accessories. I remember paying just over ?100 for each console plus all the assorted stuff with them and feeling like a king. Brand new systems that I had never played before with lots of quality games available at knock down prices. For me it doesn't get any better than that.


                      Nothing quite beats early console magic imo and I have some great memories .

                      Me and my brother playing Wonder Boy on the Master System till 3am Christmas Day (well boxing day) , Me and my old Staff, being the only ones up early 5:am Christmas day and me just being jaw dropped at playing Revenge of Shinobi on the MD The joy's of finally being able to play F-Zero and Mario IV on the Snes UK launch, the truly jaw dropping moment of playing Mario 64 and Pioltwings 64, Halo,VF t3b on import.

                      But while it was only one game, nothing will ever come close to the magic of me playing VF on my Import Saturn back in 1994 - It truly was a massive step forward where for the 1st time I saw a console game have the grace of moment to that of a Jackie Chan film (I'm sure Lau is based on Sheng Kuan in Snake In Eagle Shadow) and the music and sound effects were and still are truly exceptional, It just felt you were talking part in and playing the future

                      Truly those were the days.... Oh and Christmas 1995 being able to play VF II, SEGA Rally and Virtual Cop all in the same month on the same system will never, ever be beaten.


                        Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                        nothing will ever come close to the magic of me playing VF on my Import Saturn back in 1994.
                        Amen to that. I remember picking the system up at lunchtime from Dream Machines (where they had one running in the shop, just to whet the old appetite) along with VF and an extra controller. Then I had to work all afternoon while it sat in the car. The first time I powered it up I just couldn't believe my eyes (and ears!). I'd played the arcade game a little but at home I learned how to play it properly, and me & my mates played it religiously for months and months (it became the new SFII). Even mates who weren't into games loved it. There hasn't been a console launch since I was more excited by or more impressed by.


                          [QUOTE=Team Andromeda;1930800]Nothing quite beats early console magic imo and I have some great memories .QUOTE]

                          very true;

                          something the youth of today will never experience - that transition from coin-op to home console was magic...

                          there was nothing like it


                            I like getting new import consoles. Domestic releases never felt that special, apart from the 360 launch I think (until I realised PD was asskraxx).


                              It does also depend on the machine. I got no NCM from the 3DS, even though I really like the machine and think the 3D is pretty amazing. And it even came with loads to play with, like the AR cards. So I wonder why I didn't get that magic feeling...?

                              Maybe it just felt too similar to the DS or its design didn't feel like a leap? Whereas the shiny black PSP was from the future when it was released. The bump in design that the PS2 had over the grey PS1 made it feel that bit more special. And then the DS and N64 had controllers that felt completely new and special. That feeling of new makes all the difference.

