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dreadful mainstream games coverage

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    dreadful mainstream games coverage

    I really don't know what this article is trying to do:

    BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service

    but it fails on every count. Specifically, offering any opinions on F Zero GX.

    If you must play F-Zero GX for hours on end, beware the bodily damage that might result from an exasperated girlfriend/partner/housemate assaulting you
    The number of patronising snippets on BBCi continues to grow (not limited to gaming).


      My hands hurt more from playing piano than they do from gaming. Gaming just has a bad reputation


        Gaming is a scapegoat for everything. If scientists and doctors can blame it for unhealthy children, then they will


          Oh c'mon. The article wasn't that bad, it just highlighted the risk of RSI-like injury from excessive gaming.
          Personally I've had a couple instances of this. Playing Freakstyle on a GC pad hurt like hell after a couple hours (trying to twist my right hand so I could press Z,R,A and Y all at the same time), also playing HOTD at the arcades - damn those plastic shotguns are heavy!

          Mid you, I'm more likely to get RSI from my desk-job sitting at a monitor and typing all day than I am from endless hours of gaming.


            Um... Surely this article isn't really trying to do anything than be light-hearted? He makes about two sentences worth of decent points- that it is necessary to be careful when playing games, since injuries can arise (minor, yes, but he doesn't dispute that). The rest is just a failed attempt at being amusing and relevant. It doesn't read like a dig against F-Zero in particular- indeed he says it is a great game. He is just really saying "Damn F-Zero is great. But my fingers are beginning to hurt because I'm playing it too much!".

            If you still unconvinced that it isn't meant to be taken too seriously, quotes like these come to mind:
            "I am sure such things are an occupational hazard among F-Zero pilots, but in the real world they are rare."
            "One that no one seems to have started reporting yet is the potential to bruise yourself or break things from tripping over cables."
            "If you must play F-Zero GX for hours on end, as many will because it is a quality game from a classic 13-year-old franchise, beware the bodily damage that might result from an exasperated girlfriend/partner/housemate assaulting you."


              I followed that it was a 'light hearted' look at video games.

              It was also pile of crap.

              They were clearly trying to do something more interesting than just review F Zero GX, but it falls flat. Its just meaningless fluff. It doesn't even make any interesting points about rsi injuries, which does deserve some sort of coverage.


                My article "Health Warning" was much better, and actually had some reseach behind it. But mine was never published on the BBC website, or any other website for that matter.


                  I've had more instances of temporary RSI from clicking on a mouse and typing in order to meet IT coursework deadlines than gaming.
                  And I find my rowing, cycling and running pasttimes have ****ed me up more times than gaming. Cracked knuckles, dry skin, uneven muscle distribution between the two legs, oars being whacked into your back.

                  The wires thing isn't too dangerous. Same hazard applies to street paving slabs.

